View previous page View next page Call Number Search: Pac.TD324.G8T4 no.81
  Call Number Title Author Status
Book Pac.TA462.M33 2003 Antiquities.Metal corrosion in Chuuk Lagoon : a survey of iron shipwrecks and aluminium aircraft. MacLeod, Ian Donald IN
 2 Pac.TA501.I7 2006
 7 Pac.TA520.W45 1967
Book Pac.TA592.6M5W66 1996 Air photo survey of coastal areas, Pohnpei, Federated States of Micronesia. Woodward, Phil IN
Book Pac.TC1.S3 1992 Geology and hydrogeology of the Island of Pohnpei, Federated States of Micronesia. IN
Book Pac.TC24.H3W334 1991 Water resources development in Hawaii and other Pacific Basin areas 1991: civil worksprojects of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers in Hawaii, the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, and the Trust Territories of American Samoa and Guam. IN
 3 Pac.TC124.A5U5 1975
 7 Pac.TC124.G8U5 1975
Book Pac.TC203.G78 1985 Group training course in offshore prospecting 1985. IN
Book Pac.TC224.H3H92 2005 Hawaii coastal hazard mitigation guidebook. IN
Book Pac.TC301.D3 Ground-water reconnaissance of American Samoa. Davis, Dan A. (Daniel Arthur) IN
Book Pac.TC323.Y3L8 Water project environmental impact assessment. Department of the Navy Pacific Division Naval Facilities Engineering Command Makalapa, Hawaii. IN
Book Pac.TC324.A23U57 1978 Agat small boat harbor, Territory of Guam. United States. Army. Corps of Engineers. Honolulu District. IN
Book Pac.TC324.N6U55 1987 Final feasibility report and environmental impact statement : Saipan Harbor deep-draft navigation improvements, Saipan, Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands. United States. Army. Corps of Engineers. Honolulu District. IN
Book Pac.TC328.U56 1976 Informational supplement to the Final environmental statement, Department of the Army permit actions in the Hawaii Kai Marina, Oahu, Hawaii. United States. Army. Corps of Engineers. IN
Book Pac.TC328.U58 1973 Final environmental statement : Agana small boat harbor, Agana, guam. United States. Army. Corps of Engineers. Pacific Ocean Division. IN
 2 Pac.TC345.O3S86
Book Pac.TC355.D83 1978 Dublon fisheries dock : feasibility study. IN
 3 Pac.TC355.E58
Book Pac.TC355.J83 Technical specifications for Lelu dock facility. Juan C. Tenorio & Associates, Inc. IN
Book Pac.TC355.L96 Foundations and materials report/. IN
 3 Pac.TC355.M6 1977
 3 Pac.TC355.M61 1977
 2 Pac.TC355.P33 1971
 2 Pac.TC355.P66
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