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  Call Number Title Author Status
Book Gov.PR42.2:C99 Defending America's Cyberspace, National Plan for Information Systems Protection, Version 1.0, An Invitation to a Dialogue, The White House 2000. OUT
 2 Gov.PR42.2:SE2/2/2001
 3 Gov. PR 42.8/4:
Book Gov.PR 42.8:C 43/2 2007 Federal resources on missing and exploited children : a directory for law enforcement and other public and private agencies. IN
Book Gov.PR42.8:H74/AS7 Plunder and restitution : the U.S. and Holocaust victims assets : findings and recommendations of the Presidential Advisory Commission on Holocaust Assets in the United States and Staff report. United States. Presidential Advisory Commission on Holocaust Assets in the United States. IN
 2 Gov.PR42.8:R11/3
Book Gov.PR42.8:SE1/W89 New world coming : American security in the 21st century : supporting research and analysis : the phase I report on the emerging global security environment for the first quarter of the 21st century. IN
Serial Gov.PR43:14:H75 National strategy for homeland security. IN
Book Gov.PR43.2:AG4 2005 White House Conference on Aging, December 11-14, 2005 report to the President and the Congress : the booming dynamics of aging : from awareness to action. White House Conference on Aging (2005 : Washington, D.C.) IN
Serial Gov.PR 43.2:EN 2 Reliable, affordable, and environmentally sound energy for America's future : report of the National Energy Policy Development Group. United States. National Energy Policy Development Group. IN
Book Gov.PR43.2:F33 Leadership & public service. IN
 2 Gov.PR43.8:B52/T34
Book Gov.PR43.8:C 18 Taking care : ethical caregiving in our aging society. President's Council on Bioethics (U.S.) IN
 6 Gov.PR43.8:C43/C43
Book Gov.PR43.8:D44/V66 Identifying victims using DNA : a guide for families. OUT
Computer Gov.PR43.8:ED8/Y4/CD Yes, I can. IN
Book Gov.PR43.8:H75/2/IN3/2 National strategy for pandemic influenza : implementation plan. IN
 2 Gov.PR43.8:M52/P94
Serial Gov. PR 43.8:M 61/H 75/Final Honor the Past imagine the future: final report. White House Millennium Council (U.S.) IN
Book Gov.PR43.8:SP 3/R 32 A New Era : Revitalizing special education for children and their families. IN
Book Gov.PR 44.8:L 34/AM 3 To illuminate the American story for all : final report to the President and Congress of the United States. United States. Commission to Study the Potential Creation of a National Museum of the American Latino Community. IN
Serial Gov.PR44.9:2009 Economic report of the President together with the annual report of the council of the economic advisers. United States. President. IN
Serial Gov.PR44.9:2010 Economic report of the President together with the annual report of the council of the economic advisers. United States. President. IN
Serial Gov.PR44.9:2012 Economic report of the President together with the annual report of the council of the economic advisers. United States. President. IN
Serial Gov.PR44.9:2014 Economic report of the President together with the annual report of the council of the economic advisers. United States. President. IN
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