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  Call Number Title Author Status
Book DC33.G54 2003 France. Gofen, Ethel, 1937- IN
Book DC33.J66 1994 The Cambridge illustrated history of France. Jones, Colin, 1947- IN
Book DC38.P75 2001 A concise history of France. Price, Roger, 1944 Jan. 7- IN
Book DC40.B33 1982 Holy blood, Holy Grail. Baigent, Michael. IN
Book DC412.E3 2003 Political institutions in contemporary France. Elgie, Robert. IN
Book DC420.W67 1993 The last great Frenchman : a life of General de Gaulle. Williams, Charles, 1933- IN
Book DC611.L81M3713 1984 Châteaux of the Loire. Melchior-Bonnet, Sabine. IN
Book DC707.C41 1977 Paris. Chelminski, Rudolph. IN
Book DC707.R91 1983 Paris. Russell, John, 1919- IN
Book DC708 .E48 1996 The cheapskate's guide to Paris : hotels, food, shopping, day trips and more. Emerson, Connie, 1930- IN
Book DC715.O7 1933 Down and out in Paris and London. Orwell, George, 1903-1950. IN
Book DC715.P21 2003 Paris in mind : three centuries of Americans writing about Paris. IN
Book DC718.A44G67 2000 Paris to the moon. Gopnik, Adam. IN
Book DC801.B15355M47 2002 The Stones of Balazuc : a French village in time. Merriman, John M. IN
Book DC82.P6513 1991 The feudal transformation : 900-1200. Poly, Jeanne-Pierre, 1941- IN
Book DC83.P42 1966 The feudal monarchy in France and England : from the tenth to the thirteenth century. Petit-Dutaillis, Charles, 1868-1947. IN
Book DC97.5.T79 1979 A distant mirror : the calamitous fourteenth century. Tuchman, Barbara Wertheim. IN
Book DD20.K53 1991 Deutschland = Germany = Allemagne. Kiedrowski, Rainer. IN
Book DD218.2 .S85 1977 Gold and iron : Bismarck, Bleichröder, and the building of the German empire. Stern, Fritz Richard, 1926- IN
Book DD219.M7F75 1995 Blood and iron : from Bismarck to Hitler the von Moltke family's impact on German history. Friedrich, Otto, 1929- IN
Book DD232.R95 1973 Twentieth-century Germany : from Bismarck to Brandt. Ryder, A. J. IN
Book DD247.H5B85 1964 Hitler, a study in tyranny. Bullock, Alan, 1914- IN
Book DD247.H5K59 1975 Hitler's ideology : a study in psychoanalytic sociology. Koenigsberg, Richard A. IN
Book DD247.H5M4 1971 Mein Kampf. Hitler, Adolf, 1889-1945. IN
Book DD256.5.B46 2009 War & genocide : a concise history of the Holocaust. Bergen, Doris L. OUT
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