View previous page View next page Call Number Search: JV1011.B5 1958
  Call Number Title Author Status
Book KD737.C66 1921 Insanity and Mental Deficiency in relation to Legal Responsibility : a study in psychological jurisprudence. Cook, William G. H. (William George Henry) IN
Book KE229.F7D4 1991 Fatal cruise : the trial of Robert Frisbee. Deverell, William, 1937- IN
Book KF1249.P86 2002 Punitive damages : how juries decide. IN
Book KF1262.Z9G68 1994 Privacy : individual right v. social needs. Gottfried, Ted. IN
Book KF157.E5M63 2003 Modern constitutions : a collection of the fundamental laws of twenty-two of the most important countries of the world : with historical and bibliographical notes. IN
Book KF1600.C6 1973 The legal environment of business. Corley, Robert Neil. IN
Book KF1600.F57 2004 The legal, ethical, and regulatory environment of business. Fisher, Bruce D. IN
Book KF1600.S69 1982 Regulation and its alternatives. Stone, Alan, 1931- IN
Book KF1652.W44 2002 Antitrust and the formation of the postwar world. Wells, Wyatt C. IN
Book KF1659.A15L44 2020 Legal forms for starting & running a small business. IN
Book KF1659.L35 1977 Legal handbook for small business. Lane, Marc J. IN
Book KF228.A7H37 1995 A civil action. Harr, Jonathan. IN
Book KF228.G78E3 1985 Lord's justice. Engelmayer, Sheldon D. IN
Book KF228.N52R84 1996 The day the presses stopped : a history of the Pentagon papers case. Rudenstine, David. IN
Book KF240.C54 1996 Legal research in a nutshell. Cohen, Morris L., 1927- IN
Book KF241.C65R63 2001 The modern death penalty : a legal research guide. Rodriguez, Roxanne. OUT
Book KF250.A76 2009 Thinking like a writer : a lawyer's guide to writing and editing. Armstrong, Stephen V. OUT
Book KF250.R39 1993 Legal writing--getting it right and getting it written. Ray, Mary Barnard. IN
Book KF250.S68 1996 Legal writing in a nutshell. Squires, Lynn B. IN
Book KF251.R4 1999 Brief writing & oral argument. Re, Edward Domenic, 1920- IN
Book KF26.J836 1972 Women and the "equal rights" amendment : Senate subcommittee hearings on the constitutional amendment, 91st Congress. United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on the Judiciary. Subcommittee on Constitutional Amendments. IN
Book KF2750.F7 1986 Mass media law and regulation. Francois, William E. IN
Book KF2750.P36 1977 Mass media law. Pember, Don R., 1939- OUT
Book KF281.A2157 1996 Introduction to advocacy : research, writing, and arguments. IN
Book KF297.C33 1985 Career choices for undergraduates considering law. IN
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