View previous page View next page Call Number Search: RS57.M425 2008
  Call Number Title Author Status
Book T14.E28 2000 Technology and cultural values : on the edge of the third millennium. East-West Philosophers' Conference (8th : 2000 : Honolulu, Hawaii) IN
Book T15.B29 1988 The evolution of technology. Basalla, George. IN
Book T15.B765 1996 The pinball effect : how Renaissance water gardens made the carburetor possible, and other journeys through knowledge. Burke, James, 1936- IN
Book T15.H29 2006 100 greatest science inventions of all time. Haven, Kendall F. IN
Book T15.P353 1990 Technology in world civilization : a thousand-year history. Pacey, Arnold. IN
Book T173.8.C46 1986 Technology development in developing countries. Choe, Hyong-sop. IN
Book T173.8.F88 2005 The future of technology. IN
Book T173.8.S75 1999 Who gives a gigabyte? : a survival guide for the technologically perplexed. Stix, Gary. IN
Book T174.7.H78 2009 Fundamentals of nanotechnology. Hornyak, Gabor Louis. IN
Book T36.H55 2010 Why so few? : women in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. Hill, Catherine. IN
Book T385.A358363 2002 Adobe Photoshop 7.0. OUT
Book T385.C587Y6 1994 Yes, you can create graphics! : an introduction to SuperPaint. Yoder, Sharon. IN
Book T385.C587 1990 Computer graphics : principles and practice. IN
Book T385.D33 1993 The Photo shop wow! book. Dayton, Linnea, 1944- IN
Book T385.D572 2007 Digital art masters. IN
Book T385.F6915 2005 Real world color management : industrial-strength production techniques. Fraser, Bruce IN
Book T385.J45 1992 Harvard graphics 3 : the complete reference. Jensen, Cary. IN
Book T385.K27 2004 Photoshop : classic effects. Kelby, Scott. IN
Book T385.M4417 1994 CorelDRAW : quick & easy. Merrin, Robin. IN
Book T385.R44 1994 Computers, graphics, & learning. Rieber, Lloyd P. IN
Book T385.T37 1994 Introduction to CorelDRAW 3.0/4.0. Taylor, Bernice. IN
Book T39.H37 1991 Outward dreams : Black inventors and their inventions. Haskins, James, 1941- IN
Book T49.5.T53 2005 Theory of technology. IN
Book T55.O683 1996 Environmental and workplace safety: a guide for university, hospital, and school managers. O'Reilly, James T. IN
Book T57.6.G52 2006 Systems thinking : managing chaos and complexity : a platform for designing business architecture. Gharajedaghi, Jamshid. IN
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