View previous page View next page Call Number Search: CRC Pic.W24 1990
  Call Number Title Author Status
Book CRC PL6448.9.A94 N6213 2008 No ka 'ilio mo'o = the brindled dog. Avelino, Kawehi. IN
 2 CRC PL6501.P45 2004 c.2
 2 CRC PL6501.4.S55 1999
 2 CRC PN59.A67se 1991
 2 CRC PN59.D5te 1991
 2 CRC PN59.E55te 1991
 2 CRC PN59.I58se 1991
 2 CRC PN59.U63te 1991
 4 CRC PN59.W67te 1992 Gr.10-12
 3 CRC PN181.M23 1993 Gr.3
Book CRC PN1059.F36 2006 Keats, Shakespeare, and other wordsmiths. Fandel, Jennifer. IN
Book CRC PN1059.P86F36 2006 Puns, allusions, and other word secrets. Fandel, Jennifer. IN
Book CRC PN1059.R5F36 2006 Rhyme, meter, and other word music. Fandel, Jennifer. IN
Book CRC PN1701.C37 2014 Teaching drama : the essential handbook : 16 ready-to-go lesson plans to build a better actor. Casado, Denver IN
Book CRC PN1701.M33 2015 Teaching drama (to little ones) : 12 ready-to-go- lesson plans for kids ages 3-7. McCuiston, Jessica IN
Book CRC PN1972.R8 1996 Puppets and masks : stagecraft and storytelling. Rump, Nan. IN
Book CRC PN1979.E4 2001 Puppet Pizzazz! : using puppets to spark interest and learning in the early-childhood classroom manufactured by Creative Teaching Prress. Jamieson, Rita. IN
Book CRC PN1980.L64 2002 Fractured fairy tales : puppet plays & patterns. Lohnes, Marilyn, 1963- IN
Book CRC PN1982.S27S84 2011 Balloons over Broadway : the true story of the puppeteer of Macy's Parade. Sweet, Melissa, 1956- IN
 3 CRC PN1985.M34 1992
Book CRC PN1992.W56W21 1991 Learning about assertiveness from the life of Oprah Winfrey. Ward, Kristin. IN
Book CRC PN1998.3.S65H68 1999 Learning about creativity from the life of Steven Spielberg. Hovanec, Erin M. IN
Book CRC PN2287.R292K84 1999 Learning about courage from the life of Christopher Reeve. Kosek, Jane Kelly. IN
 3 CRC PN6014.I56se 1991 Gr.6
Book CRC PN6084.C5O33 2011 Little treasures : endearments from around the world. Ogburn, Jacqueline K. IN
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