View previous page View next page Call Number Search: Pac.QC981.8.C5I448 1995
  Call Number Title Author Status
Book Pac.PZ8.1.C8Ti 1995 The tiger's whisker, and other tales from Asia and the Pacific. Courlander, Harold. IN
 3 Pac.PZ8.1.F615 Fr 1996
Book Pac.PZ8.1.G93 Hal Hale-mano : a legend of Hawai'i. Guard, David, 1934- IN
Book Pac.PZ8.1.I56Tw 1989 Two stories from Tuvalu. Ionatana, Maseiga. IN
Book Pac.PZ8.1.L82 2005 Hawaiian legends of dreams. Loebel-Fried, Caren. IN
Book Pac.PZ8.1.M77 1974 Nieves and Piu: a story of Saipan long ago. Moses, James R. IN
Book Pac.PZ8.1.R44 Hawaiian islands. Reed, A.W. IN
Book Pac.PZ8.1.T37k 1991 Kawelo, roving chief. Thompson, Vivian Laubach. IN
Book Pac.PZ8.1.T38 1971 Hawaiian tales of heroes and champions. Thompson, Vivian Laubach. IN
Book Pac.PZ8.1.T748Ho 1988 How Maui slowed the sun. Tune, Suelyn Ching, 1944- IN
 2 Pac.PZ8.1.V459Le 2004
 2 Pac.PZ8.3.D755 1945
 2 Pac.PZ8.9.M57 1972
Book Pac.PZ9.M47Te Teiva : boy of Tahiti. Mazière, Francis, 1924- IN
Book Pac.PZ10.G55Is Islands of the ocean. Goetz, Delia IN
Book Pac.PZ10.S566Je Jellyfishes. Shepherd, Elizabeth. IN
Book Pac.PZ10.3.I44 1995 Why turtle can no longer fly : a Tuvaluan legend. Ielemia, Temukisa. IN
 3 Pac.PZ87.K67K18 1980
 2 Pac.PZ90.P7M93 2011
Book Pac.PZ371.S548 1971 Wanda Hickey's night of golden memories and other disasters / Jean Shepherd. Shepherd, Jean IN
Book Pac.PZ861023.12.L45 1974 I tronkon humugando yan otro estoria siha. Lazama, Frank. IN
 2 Pac.PZ870305.26.I3 1996
 2 Pac.PZ880202.08.T46 1983
 2 Pac.PZ880519.05T86 1980
 3 Pac.PZ880527.03K25 1980
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