View previous page View next page Call Number Search: Pac.HA4010.5.A6S1 2008 c.2
  Call Number Title Author Status
Book Pac.GN492.P5S4 2005 Pingelap traditional title names. Solomon, Kenchy D. IN
Book Pac.GN492.3.K13 1980 A study in acculturation and political development : The Micronesian case. Kanost, Richard Fairburn IN
Book Pac.GN492.55.E7 1997 How chiefs come to power : the political economy in prehistory. Earle, Timothy K. IN
 14 Pac.GN492.55.P7T47
 4 Pac.GN492.55.P55D18
 2 Pac.GN492.6.S23 1986
Book Pac.GN493.M3 1976 Crime and custom in savage society. Malinowski, Bronislaw, 1884-1942. IN
Book Pac GN 493.6 A2 H6 1972 Law and order in Polynesia; a study of primitive legal institutions,. Hogbin, Herbert Ian, 1904- IN
 2 Pac.GN496.M4 1976
 2 Pac.GN506.B46 1934
 2 Pac.GN510.N67 2002
 2 Pac.GN560.U6P33 2005
Book Pac.GN625.H43 1969 Micronesian salvage ethnographic collection project : preliminary proposal. Hedrick, B.C. IN
Book Pac.GN662.A7 1967 South Sea folk : handbook of Maori and Oceanic ethnology. Archey, Gilbert, 1890-1974. IN
Book Pac.GN662.A693 2000 The archaeology of difference : negotiating cross-cultural engagements in Oceania. IN
Book Pac.GN662.C66 Cook voyage artifacts in Leningrad, Berne and Florence Museums. IN
Book Pac.GN662.C68 2009 Sailors and traders : a maritime history of the Pacific peoples. Couper, A. D. IN
 3 Pac.GN662.C77 1990
Book Pac.GN662.C774 2001 Cultural memory : reconfiguring history and identity in the postcolonial Pacific. IN
Book Pac GN 662 C8 1989 Culture, kin and cognition in Oceania : essays in honor of Ward H. Goodenough. IN
 2 Pac.GN662.E53 2001
 2 Pac.GN662.F8
 2 Pac.GN662.F54 1998
Book Pac.GN662.F55 Kuschai. In his Ethnologische Erfahrungen und Belegstücke aus der Südsee : beschreibender Katalog einer Sammlung im K.K. Naturhistorischen Hofmuseum in Wien. Naturhistorisches Museum (Austria) IN
Book Pac.GN662.G46 2012 Situational analysis of cultural industries in the Pacific. George, Helene. IN
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