View previous page View next page Call Number Search: CB353.A35 1969
  Call Number Title Author Status
Book BV4911.S263 1990 Facing loneliness : the starting point of a new journey. Sanders, J. Oswald, (John Oswald), 1902- IN
Book BV4935.C63A33 1971 Born again. Colson, Charles W. IN
Book BV4935.L43A3 1955 Surprised by joy : the shape of my early life. Lewis, C. S. (Clive Staples), 1898-1963. IN
 2 BV5091.R4S65 1996
Book BV55.S77 2000 The story of Easter : a collection of poems, hymns, recipes, stories, including the Crucifixion and Resurrection of Jesus from the New Testament. IN
Book BV652.C68 1990 Mastering church management. Cousins, Don. IN
Book BX106.W3 1993 The Orthodox Church. Kallistos, Bishop of Diokleia, 1934- IN
Book BX1270.R413 1994 The Avignon papacy : the Popes in exile, 1305-1403. Renouard, Yves. IN
Book BX1373.M37 1997 The last pope, a novel. Marcus, Jerry. IN
Book BX1378.5.B47 1996 His Holiness : John Paul II and the hidden history of our time. Bernstein, Carl, 1944- IN
Book BX1378.5.M35 1979 Pope John Paul II, the life of Karol Wojtyla. Malinski, Mieczyslaw. IN
Book BX1406.3.D65 2002 In search of an American Catholicism : a history of religion and culture in tension. Dolan, Jay P., 1936- IN
Book BX1658.2W54 2005 Investing in miracles : El Shaddai and the transformation of popular Catholicism in the Philippines. Wiegele, Katharine L., 1966- IN
Book BX1665.Z6 2005 Catholic church in China. Zhou, Tailiang. IN
Book BX1712.H763 1988 Ecclesia militans : the inquisition. Hroch, Miroslav. IN
 2 BX1751.2.M24 1980
Book BX1751.B7 1961 Catholicism. Brantl, George. IN
Book BX1765.2.B6 1976 Roman Catholicism. Boettner, Loraine, 1901- IN
Book BX2130.B66 2000 The book of Catholic prayer : prayers for every day and all occasions. IN
Book BX2250.T46 1987 Beginning your marriage. Thomas, John L. (John Lawrence), 1910- IN
Book BX2330.W66 1990 Making saints : how the Catholic Church determines who becomes a saint, who doesn't, and why. Woodward, Kenneth L. OUT
Book BX2350.2.T467 1982 The love of Christ : spiritual counsels. Teresa, Mother, 1910- IN
Book BX3706.2.A93 1981 The Jesuits. Aveling, J. C. H. (John Cedric H.), 1917- IN
Book BX3708.R54 1971 The new Jesuits. Riemer, George R. IN
Book BX3746.A5 2010 Jesus in India : Jesus' deliverance from the cross & journey to India. Ahmad, Ghulam, 1839-1908. IN
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