View previous page View next page Call Number Search: DS12.N35 1964
  Call Number Title Author Status
Book DS890.S77A3 1995 Visas for life. Sugihara, Yukiko, 1913- IN
Book DS891.2.K65 1999 Kokusai k¯oken Q & A : sekai de katsuyaku suru Nihonjin = Japan's contribution to the world. IN
Book DS894.79.H83 1981 The revolutionary origins of modern Japan. Huber, Thomas M. IN
Book DS894.95.C63 2009 Kyushu: gateway to Japan : a concise history. Cobbing, Andrew IN
Book DS895.O4K4 1959 Okinawa, the history of an island people. Kerr, George H., 1911- IN
Book DS896.35.M25 1976 Tokyo. Maraini, Fosco. IN
Book DS896.35.R53 1987 Introducing Tokyo. Richie, Donald, 1924- IN
Book DS897.Y11 Y34 2012 Let's talk about our hometown, Yaizu. Imamura, Masanori. IN
Book DS902.H2864 1983 A handbook of Korea. IN
Book DS902.K67 Korea 1945-1975. IN
Book DS904.K5529 1987 The Korean smile. Kim, H. Edward (Heechoong Edward), 1940- IN
Book DS904.S69 2000 Sources of Korean tradition. IN
Book DS907.4.S5 2003 Land of morning calm : Korean culture then and now. Stickler, John. IN
Book DS907.18.O8 2005 Korea, the divided mation/. Olsen, Edward A. IN
Book DS907.H36 1971 The history of Korea. Han, Woo-Keun. IN
Book DS917.C86 1997 Korea's place in the sun : a modern history. Cumings, Bruce, 1943- IN
Book DS918.15.K67 2017 Korea reborn : a grateful nation honors war veterans for 60 years of growth. IN
Book DS918.B53 1987 The forgotten war : America in Korea, 1950-1953. Blair, Clay, 1925- IN
Book DS93.M58 2003 Syria. Morrison, John (John F.), 1929- IN
Book DS93.S953 1988 Syria : a country study. IN
Book DS932.N662 1994 North Korea : a country study. IN
Book DS934.6.K5.K64 2004 Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il. Koestler-Grack, Rachel A., 1973- IN
Book DS935.L36 2005 Crisis in North Korea : the failure of De-Stalinization, 1956. LanŞkov, A. N. (Andrei Nikolaevich) IN
Book DT100.P47 2004 The history of Egypt. Perry, Glenn E. (Glenn Earl), 1940- IN
Book DT107.85.K73 2003 Anwar Sadat. Kras, Sara Louise. IN
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