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  Call Number Title Author Status
 2 Pac.DU29.P22 1991
 3 Pac.DU29.P30 1965
Book Pac.DU29.P33 2013 Pacific plan 2013 : annual progress report. IN
Book Pac.DU29.P53 The German colonial society, 1882-1914. Pierard, Richard Victor, 1934- IN
Book Pac.DU29.P63 1982 The politics of evolving cultures in the Pacific Islands : proceedings of a conference sponsored by the Institute for Polynesian Studies, Brigham Young University--Hawaii Campus, February 1982. IN
Book Pac.DU29.R6 1928 The restless Pacific,. Roosevelt, Nicholas, 1893- IN
 2 Pac.DU29.S43 1983
 2 Pac.DU29.S58 1995
 15 Pac.DU29.S59a 1937
 4 Pac.DU29.S63 1992
 2 Pac.DU29.S65
Book Pac.DU29.S551 1955 A bibliography of tropical housing. South Pacific Commission. IN
Book Pac.DU29.T45 1993 Third Economic Summit of Smaller Island State Leaders, Funafuti, Tuvalu, 18-19 January 1993 and Committee on Smaller Island States Meeting and meeting of private sector representatives of smaller island states: report. Economic Summit of Smaller Island State Leaders (3rd: 1993: Funafuti, Tuvalu). IN
Book Pac DU29.T48 1994 The Pacific Basin since 1945 : a history of the foreign relations of the Asian, Australasian and American Rim States and the Pacific Islands. Thompson, Roger C. IN
Book Pac.DU29.T55 2000 Thirty-first Pacific islands forum, Tarawa, Republic of Kiribati, 27-30 October 2000 : agreed record. IN
Book Pac.DU29.W43 Transcription of Werber diary. Werber, Lamber Paul IN
 2 Pac.DU29.025.O3
Book Pac.DU29.025.O321 Oceania today : towards new directions and political self-actualization. IN
 2 Pac.DU30.D67 1980
 2 Pac.DU30.G7
 2 Pac.DU30.J6
Book Pac.DU30.P37 The Pacific Basin : toward a regional future. Patton, H. Milton. IN
Book Pac.DU30.U5 1990 Problems in paradise : United States interests in the South Pacific : report of a congressional delegation to the South Pacific, August 5- 16, 1989. United States. Congress. House. Delegation to the South Pacific, Aug. 5-16, 1989. IN
Serial Pac.DU30.W37 The Washington Pacific report. IN
 2 Pac.DU40.M6 1960
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