View previous page View next page Call Number Search: QA135.6.V36 2013
  Call Number Title Author Status
Book Q160.2.E77 2000 Essays on the future : in honor of Nick Metropolis. IN
Book Q162.A4 1965 The new intelligent man's guide to science. Asimov, Isaac, 1920- OUT
Book Q162.B88 2003 A short history of nearly everything. Bryson, Bill. IN
Book Q162.H36 1991 Science matters : achieving scientific literacy. Hazen, Robert M., 1948- IN
Book Q171.O87D32 2008 The Oxford book of modern science writing. Dawkins, Richard. IN
Book Q172.5.C45N3413 1999 Introduction to chaos : physics and mathematics of chaotic phenomena. Nagashima, Hiroyuki. IN
Book Q172.5.P77S48 2002 Why people believe weird things : pseudoscience, superstition, and other confusions of our time. Shermer, Michael. IN
Book Q173.D295 1989 The Day that lightning chased the housewife -- and other mysteries of science. IN
Book Q173.G34 2000 Did Adam and Eve have navels?: discourses on reflexology, numerology, urine theraphy & other dubious subjects. Gardner, Martin, 1914- IN
Book Q173.G35 1957 Fads and fallacies in the name of science. Gardner, Martin, 1914- IN
Book Q173.S56 2001 The borderlands of science : where sense meets nonsense. Shermer, Michael. IN
Book Q173.T74 1996 101 Things you don't know about science and no one else does either. Trefil, James S., 1938- IN
Book Q175.5.K12 2011 Physics of the future : how science will shape human destiny and our daily lives by the year 2100. Kaku, Michio. IN
Book Q175.32.R45D43 2006 The intelligibility of nature : how science makes sense of the world. Dear, Peter Robert. IN
Book Q175.52.G7S48 1994 A social history of truth : civility and science in seventeenth-century England. Shapin, Steven. IN
Book Q175.52.J3L68 1999 Science, technology and society in contemporary Japan. Low, Morris. IN
Book Q175.C35 1970 Experimental and quasi-experimental designs for research. Campbell, Donald Thomas, 1916- IN
Book Q175.C78 1969 Statistics for experimentalists. Cooper, Brian Edward. IN
Book Q175.D33 1998 Unweaving the rainbow : science, delusion, and the appetite for wonder. Dawkins, Richard, 1941- OUT
Book Q175.F7855 2009 What science knows : and how it knows it. Franklin, James, 1953- IN
Book Q175.M258 2009 Solving everyday problems with the scientific method : thinking like a scientist. Mak, Don K. IN
Book Q175.R871 1994 The secret of light. Russell, Walter. IN
Book Q180.55.E9P36 2008 Preparing literature reviews : qualitative and quantitative approaches. Pan, M. Ling. IN
Book Q180.55.I48 2013 The islands of Kagoshima : culture, society, industry and nature. IN
Book Q180.55.M4B66 1995 The craft of research. Booth, Wayne C. IN
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