View previous page View next page Call Number Search: VerF.060 Pac.
  Call Number Title Author Status
Mixed VerF 0926 Pac. c.3 "The Lord's Prayer Senate draft one as amended by the Humble John de Avila" by John Mangefel. Mangefel, John IN
Mixed VerF 0926 Pac. c.4 "The Lord's Prayer Senate draft one as amended by the Humble John de Avila" by John Mangefel. Mangefel, John IN
Mixed VerF 0926 Pac. c.5 "The Lord's Prayer Senate draft one as amended by the Humble John de Avila" by John Mangefel. Mangefel, John IN
Mixed VerF 0926 Pac. c.6 "The Lord's Prayer Senate draft one as amended by the Humble John de Avila" by John Mangefel. Mangefel, John IN
Mixed VerF.0927 Pac. Earl Hancock Ellis : a marine in Micronesia. Ballendorf, Dirk Anthony IN
Mixed VerF.0928 Pac. President of the Federated States of Micronesia : 8th president. Micronesia (Federated States). President (1947: Christian). IN
 2 VerF.0929.1 Pac.
 3 VerF.0930 Pac.
Mixed VerF 0930 Pac. c.2 Mystery of total color blindness on Pacific atoll finally solved. O'Neill, Michael D. IN
Book VerF.0931 Pac. Federated States of Micronesia : 2004 Article IV Consultation Staff Report ; Public .. for the Federated States of Micronesia. International Monetary Fund. IN
 2 VerF.0932 Pac.
Mixed VerF.0936 Pac. Acropora in Hawaii. part 1. : history of the scientific record, systematics, and ecology. Grigg, Richard W. IN
Mixed VerF 0938.95 Pac. On Pingelap. Perry, John W. IN
Mixed VerF 0938.95 Pac. c.2 On Pingelap. Perry, John W. IN
Mixed VerF 0938.95 Pac. c.3 On Pingelap. Perry, John W. IN
Mixed VerF.0940 Pac. "Summoning breafruit" and "opening seas" : toward a performative ecology in Oceania. Diettrich, Brian IN
 3 VerF 0941.2003a Pac.
 2 VerF 0941.2003b Pac.
Mixed VerF 0941.2003b Pac. c.2 The odonata of Pohnpei, Eastern Caroline Islands, Micronesia. IN
Mixed VerF.0942 Pac. The Taxonomy of music in Palau. Yamaguchi, Osamu IN
 2 VerF 0943 Pac.
Mixed VerF 0944.2003 Pac. Micronesian Army Specialist awarded the Bronze Star and Purple Heart for meritorious conduct during the Iraq War: Hilario Bermanis Jr. IN
Mixed VerF.0945 Pac. Zur rolle der kaiserlichen marine in den deutschen kolonialgebieten der sudsee = On the role of the imperial navy in the German colonial territories in the Pacific. Christman, Helmut IN
 2 VerF.0947 Pac.
Mixed VerF.0948 Pac. Chuuk state government's role in the public sector reform program & the early retirement program. Micronesia (Federated States). Government. IN
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