View previous page View next page Call Number Search: Pac.TD324.G8T4 no.18
  Call Number Title Author Status
Book Pac.TJ163.25.S66R43 1982b Regional Technical Meeting on New and Renewable Sources of Energy : Papeete, Tahiti, French Polynesia, 28 September-2 October 1982 : report. Regional Technical Meeting on New and Renewable Sources of Energy (1982 : Papeete, Tahiti) IN
 12 Pac.TJ163.25.U5I68 1986
 2 Pac.TJ163.25.U6C37
Book Pac.TJ163.35.T47 "Energy savers column" : from the Pacific magazine. Terry, Cliff IN
Book Pac.TJ163.4.M625K37 1996 Energy audit planning. Karp, Sam. IN
Book Pac.TJ163.4.O3H66 2008 The home energy guide for the Pacific : energy efficiency for the domestic householder. IN
Mixed Pac.TJ163.4.P185P36 Wanted Dead or Alive? The Relative Value of Reef Sharks as a Fishery and an Ecotourism Asset in Palau. Pannell, D.. IN
Book Pac.TJ163.5.B84 E542 1994 Energy efficiency for commercial buildings in the South Pacific. IN
 9 Pac.TJ163.5.P68L23 1980
 2 Pac.TJ163.65.S46e 1980
Book Pac.TJ807.9.O3P33 2004 Pacific regional energy assessment 2004 : an assessment of the key energy issues, barriers to the development of renewable energy to mitigate climate change, and capacity development needs for removing the barriers. IN
Book Pac.TJ807.9.U6H39 1984 Annual report. Hawaii Natural Energy Institute IN
Book Pac.TJ810.F35 1979 Solar/wind handbook for Hawaii : technical applications for Hawaii, the Pacific basin and sites worldwide with similar climatic conditions. Falicoff, Waqidi. IN
 2 Pac.TJ810.H36
Book Pac.TJ810.M5 A proposal for a solar salt pond power plant in the Federated States of Micronesia. McCord, Thomas B. IN
Book Pac.TJ825.G85 1980 Guidebook on wind energy conversion applications in Hawaii. IN
Book Pac.TJ825.M34 Is there a place for the windmill in the less developed countries?. Merriam, Marshal F. IN
 2 Pac.TJ1367.S24
 2 Pac.TK124.G8L37
Book Pac.TK148.C67 2012 The costs and benefits of introducing standards and labels for electrical appliances in Pacific Island countries. IN
Book Pac.TK1055.K6 1987 Ko-chinetsukei to katsu-chinetsukei = Paleo-geothermal and active geothermal systems. IN
Book Pac.TK1056 .R52 1984 Guidebook on photovoltaic applications in Hawaii. Richmond, Ronald C. IN
Book Pac.TK1087.G75 2012 Grid-connected PV systems (no battery storage) : system installation guidelines for the Pacific Islnds. IN
 3 Pac.TK1257.M5H3
 5 Pac.TK1423.A5R35 1979
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