View previous page View next page Call Number Search: Pac.SH351.T8C34
  Call Number Title Author Status
Book Pac.S599.8.M3L34 1989 Soil survey of the islands of Airik, Arno, Majuro, Mili, and Taroa, Republic of the Marshall Islands. Laird, William E. IN
 2 Pac.S599.8.M33K4 1962
 4 Pac.S599.8.M625R64 1967
Book Pac.S599.8.N67Y68 1989 Soil survey of the islands of Aguijan, Rota, Saipan, and Tinian, Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands. Young, Fred J. (Fred Johnson), 1952- IN
Book Pac.S599.8.O23S65 1987 Soil science and related literature. IN
 2 Pac.S599.8.P3C47 1963
 4 Pac.S599.8.P7L35
 2 Pac.S599.8.P35S65 1983
 2 Pac.S599.8.T7L35 1983
 4 Pac.S599.8.T75S65
Book Pac.S599.8.T76E1 Erosion and sedimentation control plans for Truk District, capital improvements program infrastructure. Department of Transportation and Communications. IN
 2 Pac.S599.8.W47M67 1986
 4 Pac.S599.8.Y3S53 1983
 2 Pac.S599.9.F5.P67 1996
Book Pac.S605.5.P76 1999 Proceedings of the 4th IFOAM-Asia "99 scientific conference : people first in Asia organic agriculture, 18-21 November 1999, Development Academy of the Philippines, Tagaytay City, Philippines. IN
 2 Pac.S607.B3 vol. 1
Book Pac.S631.A8E445 1981 Aspects of agricultural development in the South Pacific. Schwass, R. H. IN
Book Pac.S631.A833 no.418 BBTV, CMV and other viruses affecting banana in Asia and the Pacific. Magnaye, L. V. IN
Book Pac.S631.G74 1963 Recent findings and experiences with the fertilizer treatment of the Banana. IN
Book Pac.S633.F43 1995 Appropriate use of fertilizers in Asia and the Pacific : Proceedings of a seminar, Taipei, Taiwan, ROC. IN
Book Pac.S647.F23 1998 Understanding plant nutrients deficiencies. Faber, Gerard. IN
 2 Pac.S651.5.S84 1963
 2 Pac.S655.G7 1965 no.19
Book Pac.S667.P27A93 1986 Effects of nitrogen and potassium fertilization on growth, fruiting, and petiole composition of bearing papaya plants. Awada, M. (Minoru) IN
Book Pac.S914.A22 no.1 Quest for quality;|bconservation yearbook. United States.|bDept. of the Interior. IN
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