View previous page View next page Call Number Search: QH301.F6 1990
  Call Number Title Author Status
Book QH313.W55 1993 The diversity of life. Wilson, Edward Osborne, 1929- IN
Book QH314.W525 1998 Opportunities in biological science careers. Winter, Charles A., 1902- IN
Book QH317.M83 1993 Annotated instructor's edition for investigating biology : a laboratory manual for biology. Morgan, Judith Giles. IN
Book QH323.5.A79 1979 Mathematics for the biological sciences. Arya, Jagdish C. IN
Book QH323.5.D32 2004 Basic & clinical biostatistics. Dawson, Beth. IN
Book QH323.5.S23 2003 Statistics for the life sciences. Samuels, Myra L. IN
Book QH323.5.Z37 1999 Biostatistical analysis. Zar, Jerrold H., 1941- IN
Book QH331.G22 1987 Gaia, a way of knowing : political implications of the new biology. IN
Book QH331.T36 1974 The lives of a cell; notes of a biology watcher. Thomas, Lewis, 1913- IN
Book QH341.L87 1973 Life : the unfinished experiment. Luria, S. E. (Salvador Edward), 1912- IN
Book QH344.L65 1996 LOICZ biogeochemical modelling guidelines. IN
Book QH352.P628 1996 Population dynamics in ecological space and time. IN
Book QH353.L63 2007 Invasion ecology. Lockwood, Julie L. IN
Book QH353.S54 1997 Biological invasions: theory and prqctice. Shigesada, Nanako, 1941- IN
Book QH361 .Z48 2001 Evolution : the triumph of an idea. Zimmer, Carl, 1966- IN
Book QH365.O1 2008 On the origin of species : by means of natural selection, or the preservation of favoured races in the struggle for life. Darwin, Charles, 1809-1882. IN
 2 QH365.O8E45 1990
Book QH365.O8R49 2010 The Origin then and now : an interpretive guide to the Origin of species. Reznick, David N., 1952- IN
Book QH366.2.C83 2009 Why evolution is true. Coyne, Jerry A., 1949- IN
Book QH366.2.D37 1996 The blind watchmaker : why the evidence of evolution reveals a universe without design. Dawkins, Richard, 1941- IN
Book QH366.2.F69 1998 Life : a natural history of the first four billion years of life on earth. Fortey, Richard A. IN
Book QH366.2.F87 1986 Evolutionary biology. Futuyma, Douglas J., 1942- IN
Book QH366.2 .M3933 2001 What evolution is. Mayr, Ernst, 1904- IN
Book QH366.2.R527 1998 The origins of virtue : human instincts and the evolution of cooperation. Ridley, Matt. IN
Book QH366.2.S5 2006 Why Darwin matters : the case against intelligent design. Shermer, Michael. IN
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