View previous page View next page Call Number Search: Pac.RA422.T73 1965
  Call Number Title Author Status
 2 Pac.RC306.M3 1981
Book Pac.RC306.W67 1974 Report on the WHO/SPC Refresher Course on Tuberculosis,and Leprosy. WHO/SPC Refresher Course on Tuberculoisis and Leprosy (1974 : Papeete, Tahiti) IN
 3 Pac.RC307.A4T8 1958a
Book Pac.RC307.W13 1976 Report. WPA/SPC Symposium on the Primary Prevention of Psychiatric Disorders (1976 : Papeete, Tahiti) IN
Book Pac.RC327.R8 Bibliography on culture and mental health in the Pacific Islands. Rubinstein, Donald IN
Book Pac.RC382.B52 1983 Bibliography of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and parkinsonism-dementia of Guam. IN
 2 Pac.RC394.K8G3 1976
Book Pac.RC451.A72C66 1971 Youth, socialization, and mental health. Conference on Culture and Mental Health Research in Asia and the Pacific (3rd : 1971 : East-West Center) IN
Book Pac.RC455.O59 Culture and mental health : cross-cultural studies. Olper, Marvin Kaufmann, 1914-, editor. IN
 4 Pac.RC455.4.E8A3 1975
 2 Pac.RC514.D35
Book Pac.RC514.H49 1992 Schizophrenia and chronic mental illness in Micronesia : an epidemiological survey. Hezel, Francis X. IN
 3 Pac.RC514.S5 2000
Book Pac.RC563.6.L89 1984 Preliminary results of the 1984 mental health and substance abuse survey of junior and senior high school students on Saipan. Lord, Daniel B. IN
Book Pac.RC564.R89 1992 Yap State substance abuse curriculum grades 4-8. Ruwey, Ignathia IN
Book Pac.RC570.P3 1971 A report of proceedings. Pacific Forum on Mental Retardation, (1st : Honolulu, 1971) IN
Book Pac.RC606.6.R633 2014 Road map for surveillance and monitoring of HIV drug resistance in the Western Pacific Region 2014-2018. World Health Organization. IN
Book Pac.RC606.63.P37 2001 Positive eating : a Pacific Island resource. Parkinson, Susan. IN
 8 Pac.RC607.A26S6
Book Pac.RC620.5.R36 1977 A contribution to the study of metabolic disorders in the pilot area of Aitutaki : report on a field mission to the Cook Islands from 7-28 January 1976. Raoult, Andre´, 1909- IN
Book Pac.RC641.7.H35K56 2002 Blood lead and hemoglobin levels and risk factors for lead poisoning and anemia among children and caregivers in Chuuk State, Federated States of Micronesia : final report. Kim, Dennis IN
Book Pac.RC651.W65 2013 Trade, trade agreements and non-communicable diseases in the Pacific Islands : intersections, lessons learned, challenges and way forward. World Health Organization. IN
Book Pac.RC660.A1G8 2009 10th annual Guam diabetes conference : control your sugar control your life. IN
 2 Pac.RC660.J65
Book Pac.RC660.5.R61 Diabetes and you. IN
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