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  Call Number Title Author Status
Book JK1061.D29 1981 Congress and its members. Davidson, Roger H. IN
Book JK1067.K64 1991 Knowledge, power, and the Congress. IN
Book JK1067.R63 1995 After the revolution : a citizen's guide to the first Republican Congress in 40 years. Robinson, James W., 1954- IN
Book JK14.A6 2004 About America : the constitution of the United States of America with explanatory notes. IN
Book JK146.B75 1986 Miracle at Philadelphia : the story of the Constitutional Convention, May to September, 1787. Bowen, Catherine Drinker, 1897-1973. IN
Book JK155.A57 1986 The Anti-Federalist papers ; and, The constitutional convention debates. IN
Book JK1706.A59U54 1986 Principal officers of the Department of State and United States chiefs of mission, 1778-1986. United States. Dept. of State. Office of the Historian. IN
Book JK1726.B73 2012 We can all do better. Bradley, Bill, 1943- IN
Book JK1987.P58 1988 Why Americans don't vote. Piven, Frances Fox. IN
Book JK1991.L49 1996 The buying of the president : an inside look at the special interests behind Clinton, Dole, Gramm, Wilson, Alexander, Buchanan, and others. Lewis, Charles, 1953- IN
Book JK1991.M28 1986 Corporate PACs and federal campaign financing laws : Use or abuse of power?. Matasar, Ann B IN
Book JK21.K65 2010 Readings in American politics : analysis and perspectives. Kollman, Ken, 1966- IN
Book JK21.P76 2010 Principles and practice of American politics : classic and contemporary readings. IN
Book JK216.T7 1981 Democracy in America. Tocqueville, Alexis de, 1805-1859. IN
Book JK2249.D72 1999 The corruption of American politics : what went wrong and why. Drew, Elizabeth. IN
Book JK2249.M55 1992 Stealing from America : a history of corruption from Jamestown to Reagan. Miller, Nathan, 1927- IN
Book JK2249.P66 1996 Politicians and ethics. IN
Book JK2249.T56 1998 Year of the rat : how Bill Clinton compromised U.S. security for Chinese cash. Timperlake, Edward. IN
Book JK2261.B49 2012 Politics, parties, and elections in America. Schaffner, Brian F. (Brian Frederick) IN
Book JK2356.B36 1996 Agenda for America : a republican direction for the future. Barbour, Haley, 1947- IN
Book JK2356.G55 1996 Legislating the revolution : the contract with America in it's first 100 days. Gimpel James G. IN
Book JK2408.B47 1978 State and local politics. Berman, David R. IN
Book JK2408.D72 2013 Why politics matters : an introduction to political science, integrated coursereader package with Pac for Coursereader 0-60. Dooley, Kevin L. IN
Book JK2408.J64 1990 Innovating America : innovations in state and local government, an awards program of the Ford Foundation and the John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University. Jordan, Fred (Fred H.) IN
Book JK2408.R81 2005 State governments : institutions and issues. Roy, Donald, 1944- IN
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