View previous page View next page Call Number Search: JV1011.B5 1958
  Call Number Title Author Status
Book KF4933.J4 1966 The legislative process in the United States. Jewell, Malcolm Edwin, 1928- IN
Book KF4982.J43 1993a A manual of parliamentary practice : for the use of the Senate of the United States. Jefferson, Thomas, 1743-1826. IN
Book KF505.A2P94 1969 Progress in family law. IN
Book KF5074.2.Z3 2001 Winning Florida : how the Bush team fought the battle. Zelnick, Robert, 1940- IN
Book KF5075.L33 1978 Presidential impeachment. Labovitz, John R., 1943- IN
Book KF5505.N385 1993 Natural resources policy and law : trends and directions. IN
Book KF5660.W27 1975 The assault on Indian tribalism : the General allotment law (Dawes act) of 1887. Washburn, Wilcomb E. IN
Book KF5698.P69 1996 Land use and society : geography, law, and public policy. Platt, Rutherford H. IN
Book KF581.S73 2007 Defend your condo & homeowner rights! : what you must do when the board turns your life upside down. Starr, Joyce. IN
Book KF753.L37 2003 Death and taxes : questions and answers on wills, trusts, and probate. Larsen, David C., 1944- IN
Book KF755.Z9R46 1997 WillMaker 6 : Users' guide. Newman, Ely. IN
Book KF759.J64G65 1987 Johnson v. Johnson. Goldsmith, Barbara. IN
Book KF8700.Z9L44 2003 The legal system : opposing viewpoints. IN
Book KF8700.Z9P37 1997 America's courts on trial : questioning our legal system. Pascoe, Elaine. IN
Book KF8742.A4T67 2006 The Supremes' greatest hits : the 34 Supreme Court cases that most directly affect your life. Trachtman, Michael G. IN
Book KF8742.S495 2010 Supreme power : Franklin Roosevelt vs. the Supreme Court. Shesol, Jeff IN
Book KF8742.Y1 1999 Pursuit of justices : presidential politics and the selection of Supreme Court nominees. Yalof, David Alistair. IN
Book KF8742.Y1 2002 Popular justice : presidential prestige and executive success in the Supreme Court. Yates, Jeff, 1965- IN
Book KF8742.Y2 2000 The Rehnquist Court and the Constitution. Yarbrough, Tinsley E., 1941- IN
Book KF8742.Z9H33 1982 Equal justice under law : the Supreme Court in American life. Harrell, Mary Ann. IN
Book KF8744.S87 1992 The Supreme Court of the United States : its beginnings & its justices, 1790-1991. IN
Book KF8745.T48M39 1995 Strange justice : the selling of Clarence Thomas. Mayer, Jane. IN
Book KF8745.T48N76 1993 The real Anita Hill : the untold story. Brock, David, 1962- IN
Book KF8748.T66 2007 The nine : inside the secret world of the Supreme Court. Toobin, Jeffrey. IN
Book KF8775.J88 2002 Judicial independence at the crossroads : an interdisciplinary approach. IN
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