View previous page View next page Call Number Search: DS721.Y5 2004
  Call Number Title Author Status
Book E467.1.P86S44 2004 Kentucky's last cavalier : General William Preston, 1816-1887. Sehlinger, Peter J. IN
Book E467.1.W19B81 2005 To the manner born: the life of General William H.T. Walker. Brown, Russell K. IN
Book E467.H19C84 2004 Wade Hampton : confederated warrior, conservative statesman. Cisco, Walter Brian, 1947- IN
Book E468.7.C573 2000 Civil War album : complete photographic history of the Civil War : Fort Sumter to Appomattox. IN
Book E468.9.K46 1996 Ken Burns's The Civil War : historians respond. IN
Book E468.M228 1996 Drawn with the sword : reflections on the American Civil War. McPherson, James M. IN
Book E470.45.B7 1992 The Outlaw Youngers : a Confederate brotherhood : a biography. Brant, Marley. IN
Book E475.55.B68 2006 The Gettysburg gospel : the Lincoln speech that nobody knows. Boritt, G. S., 1940- IN
Book E532.9.M37 1990 Texas divided : loyalty and issent in the lone star state, 1856-1874. Marten, James, 1956- IN
Book E547.C625C26 2002 Clingman's Brigade in the Confederacy, 1862-1865. Casstevens, Frances Harding. IN
Book E56.F67 1999 Politics and the Museum of the American Indian : the Heye & the mighty. Force, Roland W. IN
Book E58.D68 1962 Indians of North America. Driver, Harold Edson, 1907- IN
Book E58.J67 1974 The Indian heritage of America. Josephy, Alvin M., 1915- IN
Book E585.A35I4 2002x In view of the great want of labor : a legislative history of African American conscription in the Confederacy. Ingram, E. Renée. IN
 2 E59.W9M3 1972
Book E605.W75 2005 End of an era : the last days of traditional southern culture as seen through the eyes of a young confederate soldier. Wise, John S. (John Sergeant), 1846-1913. IN
Book E61.L55 1967 Ancient America. Leonard, Jonathan Norton, 1903-1975. IN
Book E61.S78 1969 Discovering man's past in the Americas. Stuart, George E. IN
Book E635.B36F14 2002 Exile in Erin : a Confederate chaplain's story : the life of Father John B. Bannon. Faherty, William Barnaby, 1914- IN
Book E661.7.Z1 1998 From wealth to power: the unusual origins of America's world role. Zakaria, Fareed IN
Book E661.K76 1991 United States history from 1865. Krout, John A. (John Allen), 1896-1979. IN
Book E661.W58 1967 The search for order, 1877-1920. Wiebe, Robert H. IN
Book E667.A7 2002 Andrew Johnson : a book. Alter, Judy, 1938- IN
Book E668.D83 1991 Black reconstruction in America. Du Bois, W. E. B. (William Edward Burghardt), 1868-1963. IN
Book E668.F66 1989 America's unfinished revolution, 1863-1877. Foner, Eric. IN
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