View previous page View next page Call Number Search: PN1042 .H48 1999
  Call Number Title Author Status
Book PN1972.B16 1965 The art of the puppet. Baird, Bil, 1904-1987. IN
Book PN1972 .P95 2002 The puppetry yearbook. IN
Book PN1979.K3D37 2006 Kamishibai story theater : the art of picture telling. De las Casas, Dianne. IN
Book PN1980.O5 1993 On thrones of gold : three Javanese shadow plays. IN
Book PN1991.8.A6M62 2004 The broadcast voice. Mills, Jenni IN
Book PN1991.75.O36 1986 Modern radio production. O'Donnell, Lewis B. IN
Book PN1992.4.R315A3 2015 Better : how I let go of control, held on to hope, and found joy in my darkest hour. Robach, Amy. IN
Book PN1992.4.W56M35 1994 Oprah Winfrey : the real story. Mair, George, 1929- IN
Book PN1992.8.C7H57 1981 On the small screen : new approaches in television and video criticism. Himmelstein, Hal. IN
Book PN1992.8.G7H24 2005 Broadcast graphics on the spot : time-saving techniques using photoshop and after effects for broadcast and post production. Harrington, Richard. IN
Book PN1992.8.M36M94 2003 Make-up, hair and costume for film and television. Musgrove, Jan. IN
Book PN1992.8.W65P92 1991 Women watching television : gender, class, and generation in the American television experience. Press, Andrea Lee. IN
Book PN1992.9.L53 1988 3 decades of television : a catalog of television programs acquired by the Library of Congress, 1949-1979. Library of Congress. Motion Picture, Broadcasting, and Recorded Sound Division. IN
Book PN1992.75.F34 1998 Basic studio directing. Fairweather, Rod. IN
Book PN1992.75.M5 1999 Television production. Millerson, Gerald. IN
Book PN1992.77.S73S5 1993 Star trek memories. Shatner, William. IN
Book PN1992.77.T85M66 1998 Adventures in a TV nation. Moore, Michael, 1954 Apr. 23- IN
Book PN1992.77.W58 1973 The making of Star Trek. Whitfield, Stephen E. IN
Book PN1992.94.W83 2005 Video production workshop. Wolsky, Tom. IN
Book PN1993.5.A1A35 2000 Agee on film : criticism and comment on the movies. Agee, James, 1909-1955. IN
Book PN1993.5.A1C566 2001 Cinema year by year, 1894-2000. IN
Book PN1993.5.C4C463 2005 Chinese-language film : historiography, poetics, politics. IN
Book PN1993.5.U6R66 2009 Bigger than blockbusters : movies that defined America. Roman, James W. IN
Book PN1993.7.T4 1996 Reel conversations : reading films with young adults. Teasley, Alan B. IN
Book PN1993.7.T388 2009 The director in the classroom : how filmmaking inspires learning. Nikos Theodosakis; Ian Jukes IN
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