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  Call Number Title Author Status
Book LA217.2.F54 1991 Smart schools, smart kids : why do some schools work?. Fiske, Edward B. IN
Book LA217.2.N37E38 1995 National issues in education : Goals 2000 and school-to-work. IN
Book LA217.2.R45 1994 Reinventing education : entrepreneurship in America's public schools. IN
Book LA217.2.T75 2009 21st century skills : learning for life in our times. Trilling, Bernie. IN
Book LA217.D44 1988 Education and the public trust : the imperative for common purposes. Delattre, Edwin J. IN
Book LA217.G654 1984 A place called school : prospects for the future. Goodlad, John I. IN
Book LA217.N21 l983 A nation at risk : the imperative for educational reform, 1983. IN
Book LA217.P25 1985 Seeds : some good ways to improve our schools. Parsons, Cynthia. IN
Book LA219.B69 1995 The basic school : a community for learning. Boyer, Ernest L. IN
Book LA219.S76 1992 The learning gap : why our schools are failing and what we can learn from Japanese and Chinese education. Stevenson, Harold W. (Harold William), 1924- IN
Book LA226.E1 2006 Legal and policy issues in disciplining college faculty. Euben, Donna R. IN
Book LA227.3.S94 1988 ProfScam: professors and the demise of higher education. Sykes, Charles J. IN
Book LA227.4.A78 2011 Academically adrift : limited learning on college campuses. Arum, Richard. IN
Book LA227.4.E36 2013 Why teach? : in defense of a real education. Edmundson, Mark, 1952- IN
Book LA227.4.U85 2015 Using evidence of student learning to improve higher education. IN
Book LA229.H24 1990 Focus on school : a reference handbook. Haley, Beverly A., 1929- IN
Book LA2301.G88 2001 Historical and philosophical foundations of education : a biographical introduction. Gutek, Gerald Lee. IN
Book LA2317.C637A3 2002 The making, and remaking, of a multiculturalist. Cortés, Carlos E. IN
Book LA2317.M36T22 2005 Teacher man : a memoir. McCourt, Frank. IN
Book LB1025.2.A4 1982 Teaching : what it's all about. Anglin, Leo W., 1946- IN
Book LB1025.2.A216 1980 Techniques in the clinical supervision of teachers : preservice and inservice applications. Acheson, Keith A., 1925- IN
Book LB1025.2.C52 1995 The intelligent professor's guide to teaching. Champagne, David W. IN
Book LB1025.2.C64 1998 100 Joys of being a professor. Cohen, Andrew D. IN
Book LB1025.2.E6 1976 The craft of teaching : [a guide to mastering the professor's art]. Eble, Kenneth Eugene. IN
Book LB1025.2.J318 1993 Methods for teaching : a skills approach. Jacobsen, David. IN
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