View previous page View next page Call Number Search: E255.M38 1978
  Call Number Title Author Status
Book FAO.QC902.9.N377 2013 National forest monitoring systems : monitoring and measurement, reporting and verification (M & MRV) in the context of REDD+ activities. IN
Book FAO.QC903.C67 2009 Coping with a changing climate: considerations for adaptation and mitigation in agriculture. Glantz, Michael H. IN
Book FAO.QC903.2.M85M53 2012 Adaptation to climate change in semi-arid environments : experience and lessons from Mozambique. Midgley, Stephanie. IN
 2 FAO.QC929S69 2005
Book FAO.QH87.3.P43 2012 Peatlands : guidance for climate change mitigation through conservation, rehabilitation and sustainable use. IN
Book FAO.QH92.L58 2002 The living marine resources of the Western Central Atlantic. IN
Book FAO.QH195.C46B3 2004 The future is an ancient lake : traditional knowledge, biodiversity and genetic resources for food and agriculture in Lake Chad Basin ecosystems. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO Inter-Departmental Working Group on Biological Diversity for Food and Agriculture IN
Book FAO.QH344.T4646 2002 Terrestrial carbon observation : the Ottawa assessment of requirements, status and next steps : 8-11 February 2000, Ottawa, Canada. IN
Book FAO.QH438.4.B55M37 2007 Marker-assisted selection : current status and future perspectives in crops, livestock, forestry and fish. IN
Book FAO.QH541.5.A74H54 2011 Highlands and drylands : mountains, a source of resilience in arid regions. IN
Book FAO.QH541.5.P7G735 Grasslands of the world. IN
Book FAO.QH541.5.W3A24 2003 International mechanisms for the control and responsible use of alien species in aquatic ecosystems : report of an Ad Hoc Expert Consultation, 27-30 August 2003, Xishuangbanna, People's Republic of China. Ad Hoc Expert Consultation on International Mechanisms for the Control and Responsible Use of Alien Species in Aquatic Ecosystems (2003 : Xishuangbanna, China) IN
Book FAO.QK98.4.A53 2011 Fruit trees and useful plants in Amazonian life. IN
Book FAO.QK495.P17J64 2004 Rattan glossary / and compendium glossary with emphasis on Africa / by Terry C.H. Sunderland. Johnson, Dennis Victor, 1937- IN
Book FAO.QK617.B63 Wild edible fungi : a global overview of their use and importance to people. Boa, E. R. IN
Book FAO.QK867.P535x 2006 Plant nutrition for food security : a guide for integrated nutrient management. IN
Book FAO.QK926.K59 2011 Potential effects of climate change on crop pollination. Kjøhl, Mariken. IN
Book FAO.QK937.K72 2004 Site-specific grasses and herbs : seed production and use for restoration of mountain environments. Krautzer, Bernhard. IN
 2 FAO.QL1.F36
Book FAO.QL60.4.C66 2003 Aquatic telemetry : advances and applications : proceedings of the Fifth Conference on Fish Telemetry held in Europe, Ustica, Italy, 9-13 June 2003. Conference on Fish Telemetry in Europe (5th : 2003 : Ustica, Italy) IN
Book FAO.QL125.5.W67 2011 Report of the Workshop on Deep-Sea Species Identification : Rome, Italy, 2-4 December 2009. Workshop on Deep-Sea Species Identification (2009 : Rome, Italy) IN
Book FAO.QL384.H7P87 2012 Commercially important sea cucumbers of the world. Purcell, Steven W. IN
Book FAO.QL537.G4L43 2008 Collection of entomological baseline data for tsetse area-wide integrated pest management programmes. Leak, S. G. A. (Stephen G. A.) IN
 6 FAO.QL537.M7T7 2012
Book FAO.QL621.4.B37 2012 Field identification guide to the living marine resources of the Eastern and Southern Mediterranean = DaliÌ„l hÌÐaqliÌ„ li-taÊyiÌ„n huwiÌ„yyat al-mawaÌ„rid al-bahÌÐriÌ„yah al-hÌÐayyah li-sharqiÌ„ al-BahÌÐr al-MutawassitÌÐ wa-januÌ„bih. Bariche, M. (Michel) IN
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