View previous page View next page Call Number Search: Pac.PL6228.Z77S2 1980 v.1
  Call Number Title Author Status
 3 Pac.PL6338.Z5A6
 21 Pac.PL6338.Z77I2 1981
 2 Pac.PL6341.C44
 2 Pac. PL6341.I8F 2010
 2 Pac.PL6341.I85 1955
 5 Pac.PL6341.J4
Book Pac.PL6341.P69 1980 Poki ghuloogh ppwel: trial version meta mang-mamg mi?. IN
Book Pac.PL6341.T7P33 1976 v.2 Lingaen ea thiin ni waqab. Pacific Islands (Trust Territory). Department of Education. Yap District. IN
Book Pac.PL6341.W35 1985 An ethnographic study of the role of the informal environment in the acquisition of Yapese by Ulithians with implications for language teaching. Walsh, John A. IN
GRAPHIC Pac.PL6341.W37 2013 Waqab : Yapese alphabet flashcards. IN
Book Pac.PL6341.Y2 1955 Yapese stories. Yap District Summer School. IN
Book Pac.PL6341.Y3 1955 A Yapese reader. IN
Book Pac.PL6341.Z3S5 1914 Kurzgefasste grammatik der Jap - Sprache; nebst einem Verzeichnis der gebrauchlichsten Jap-worte. Sixtus, P. IN
 8 Pac.PL6341.Z5E43 1946
Book Pac.PL6341.Z11G65 1960 Ziin boro mea kuling: a legnd of Yap. Gorong IN
 41 Pac.PL6341.Z77G33 1981
 3 Pac.PL6341.2.Y2
Book Pac.PL6401.G6G7 1959 The position of the Polynesian language within the Austronesian (Malayo-Polynesian) language family. Grace, George William, 1921 IN
 2 Pac.PL6408.65.E5 1982
Book Pac.PL6441.P45 2004 c.3 Hawaiian alphabet. Phillips, Lori. IN
Book Pac.PL6441.S38 1994 Voices of Eden : a history of Hawaiian language studies. Schütz, Albert J., 1936- IN
 2 Pac.PL6443.E37 1979
Book Pac.PL6443.J82 1939 The Hawaiian language and Hawaiian-English dictionary : a complete grammar. Judd, Henry P. (Henry Pratt), b. 1880. IN
 2 Pac.PL6443.W54 1992
 2 Pac.PL6445.M43 1995
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