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  Call Number Title Author Status
Mixed VF 143 HOL 2000 The family that laughs together. Holmstrom, David. IN
Mixed VF 144 COB 2000 Human rights prosecution : whose job should it be?. Cobban, Helena. IN
Mixed VF 145 FRE 2000 Freedom of South Africa. IN
Mixed VF 146 GAR 2000 Keeping romantic hearts in bloom. Gardner, Marilyn. IN
Mixed VF 147 SPI 2000 Spiritual viewpoint : the internet frontier. IN
Mixed VF 148 STE 2000 Experience the dazzling visual difference. Sterritt, David. IN
Mixed VF 149 MAR 2000 Hip-hop gives voice to urban culture. Margolis, Lynne. IN
Mixed VF 150 PLA 2000 In China's southwest, the Naxi minority culture meets tourism. Platt, Kevin. IN
Mixed VF 152 SIM 2000 Pilot program to boost child-care wages. Simons, Char. IN
Mixed VF 153 BOS 2000 Equality may mean army service in Sweden. Boss, Shira. IN
Mixed VF 154 BAK 2000 S. Korea's first female chief of police tackles prostitutions. Baker, Michael. IN
Mixed VF 155 PAT 2000 The Path of joy. IN
Mixed VF 156 GOO 2000 Two hidden ancient cultures revealed. Goodale, Gloria. IN
Mixed VF 157 DON 2000 Solomon Island - ethnic conflict in close quarters. Donnan, Shawn. IN
Mixed VF 158 COL 2000 But- I found it on the internet. Colhoun, Alexander. IN
Mixed VF 159 ATK 2000 The how and why of rain. Atkin, Ross. IN
Mixed VF 160 FRO 2000 The education of trees. Frost, Robert. IN
Mixed VF 161 HAT 2000 Women of war. Hatch, Cheryl. IN
Mixed VF 162 COB 2000 No globalization without representation. Cobban, Helena. IN
Mixed VF 163 MER 2000 Raising women's role in Kosovo. Mertens, Richard. IN
Mixed VF 164 BEL 2000 Showing workers a way up. Belsie, Laurent. IN
Mixed VF 166 BEN 2000 Bird central. Bencivenga, Jim. IN
Mixed VF 167 LAM 2000 Christian churches comfront homosexuality. Lampman, Jane. IN
Mixed VF 168 MAS 2000 What does it all mean?. Mason, M.S. IN
Mixed VF 169 BOS 2000 Teen-fashion mysteries and the origins of fads. Boss, Shira. IN
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