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  Call Number Title Author Status
Mixed VF 117 HUN 2000 The beautiful science of snow. Huntington, Sharon H. IN
Mixed VF 118 EVA 2000 When the web surfs you. Evarts, Eric C. IN
Mixed VF 119 LAF 2000 Bringing dignity to healthcare. LaFranchi, Howard. IN
Mixed VF 120 KNI 2000 The way people see God is changing. Knickerbocker, Brad. IN
Mixed VF 121 MUR 2000 Playing-it-by-ear rule in Indonesia. Murphy, Dan. IN
Mixed VF 122 HAK 2000 Peru is no democracy. Hakim, Peter. IN
Mixed VF 123 TAL 2000 The true heart of Santa Fe beats beyond the center of town. Talvi, Silja. IN
Mixed VF 124 TYS 2000 Should world wide web be a tax-free zone?. Tyson, Ann Scott. IN
Mixed VF 125 COO 2000 Women work the web : finding an edge in the dotcom world. Coolidge, Shelley Donald. IN
Mixed VF 126 LAF 2000 US ups ante on Columbia's drugs. LaFranchi, Howard. IN
Mixed VF 127 CAM 2000 Portrait of the artist as a young student. Campbell, Karen. IN
Mixed VF 128 GRI 2000 Global computer virus highlights the annoying side of internet age. Grier, Peter. IN
Mixed VF 129 HUM 2000 You like me -- you really like me!. Humphries, Stephen. IN
Mixed VF 130 WOL 2000 Nutty nuptials. Wolcott, Jennifer. IN
Mixed VF 131 KIE 2000 Teenagers want more --- family time?. Kiefer, Francine. IN
Mixed VF 132 FRA 2000 Internet age vs. industrial revolution. Francis, David R. IN
Mixed VF 133 MAS 2000 Unmasking theater's many faces. Mason, M.S. IN
Mixed VF 134 GOO 2000 Vox pop ! when music gives voice to masses. Goodale, Gloria. IN
Mixed VF 135 STE 2000 Video's short, sharp shock. Sterritt, David. IN
Mixed VF 136 BEL 2000 Web medicine. Belsie, Laurent. IN
Mixed VF 137 HER 2000 Here today cloned tomorrow. IN
Mixed VF 138 CAM 2000 Web ads refine pisth as e-mail role grows. Campbell, Kim. IN
Mixed VF 139 REG 2000 Putting some teeth in cybersecurity. Regan, Tom. IN
Mixed VF 140 HAM 2000 Where everyone's home is a work of art. Hamlin, Henry S. IN
Mixed VF 142 COO 2000 The infinite quest. Coolidge, Shelly Donald. IN
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