View previous page View next page Call Number Search: Pac.HC681.A1S658 1977
  Call Number Title Author Status
Book Pac.HC683.K64 The Pacific : Russian scientific investigations. IN
Book Pac.HC683.M56 1993 Ministerial meeting on population and sustainable development in the Pacific, Port Vila, Vanuatu, 9-10 Deptember 1993 : Summary record. IN
Book Pac.HC683.N48 The new political economy of Pacific. IN
 2 Pac.HC683.O3P33
 6 Pac.HC683.P3 1980
Book Pac.HC683.P32 1980 Pacific data summary for the Micronesian delegates to the Pacific Islands conference : the Pacific way. IN
 2 Pac.HC683.R45
Book Pac.HC683.R47 Report of the 2nd alliance of small island states (AOSIS) worksop on climate change negotiations, management and strategy. IN
Book Pac.HC683.S45 1974 Selected papers presented at a seminar on the subsistence sector in the South Pacific held at the university of the South Pacific, Suva, 12-23 August 1974. IN
 2 Pac.HC683.S62
 13 Pac.HC683.S641 1986
 6 Pac.HC683.S672 1996-97
 5 Pac.HC683.S673 1985
Book Pac.HC683.T5 1989 Trade and investment in the South Pacific islands : a diagnostic study. Thomson, Peter W. IN
 2 Pac.HC683.T46
 2 Pac.HC683.T65 1991
Book Pac.HC683.W33 1972 Priorities in Melanesian development : papers delivered at the Sixth Waigani Seminar sponsored jointly by the University of Papua and New Guinea [and others], held at Port Moresby 30 April to 5 May, 1972. Waigani Seminar (6th : 1972 : Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea) IN
Book Pac.HC683.W37 Man in the Pacific Islands: essays on geographical change in the Pacific Islands. Ward, R. Gerard IN
Book Pac.HC683.3.A1N64 2009 Niue and the Secretariat of the Pacific Community Joint Contry Strategy 2009-2013 : in support of Niue's National Strategy Plan 2009-2013. IN
 2 Pac.HC683.3.Z9E446 1991a
 4 Pac.HC683.5.A1G47 v.I
 2 Pac.HC683.5A86 1996
 2 Pac.HC683.5.F362 1998
Book Pac.HC683.5.M54 1990 Private sector development in Papua New Guinea. Millett, John, 1936- IN
 2 Pac.HC683.5.Z7T84 1965
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