View previous page View next page Call Number Search: Pac.HC681.A1S658 1977
  Call Number Title Author Status
 2 Pac.HC110.P34U581 1976
Book Pac.HC123.5.M58F18 1986 Traditional agiculture & resource management systems in the High Islands of Micronesia. IN
Book Pac.HC155.O37 Economic and political change in the Leeward and Windward Islands/. O'Loughlin, Carleen. IN
Book Pac.HC157.P8S25 The Puerto Rican dilemma. Sariola, Sakari. IN
Book Pac.HC179.F31I3 2000 Meeting of the Federated Development Authority on Investment Developmet Fund (IDF) issues. Garae, Augustine IN
Book Pac.HC241.25.O3P33 1990 Pacific ACP/Expo 92 : feasibility study final report. IN
Book Pac.HC241.4.S43 2013 Decisions of the forty-second meeting of the Committee of Representatives of Government and Administration: Décisions de la quarante-deuxième session du Comité des Représentants des Gouvernements et Administrations. Secretariat of the Pacific Community. Committee of Representatives of Governments and Administrations. Meeting (42nd 2012: Noumea, New Caledonia) IN
 3 Pac.HC411.A2 1985
 5 Pac.HC411.B85 2001
Book Pac.HC411.D34H11 2022 Deficiencies noted reflect on the need to improve enterprise-wide risk management, report no. 2022-04. Hainrick, Haser, FSM National Public Auditor IN
Book Pac.HC411.E357 1983 Economic and social survey of Asia and the Pacific 1982. IN
 6 Pac.HC411.U4T7 1975
 2 Pac.HC412.A85 2002
 2 Pac.HC412.A72415 1989
 2 Pac.HC412.B76 1998
 2 Pac.HC412.D48 1994
Serial Pac.HC412.I6 1982 Institutional arrangement for ECDC-TCDC in Asia and the Pacific, 1982/. IN
Book Pac.HC412.I58 1994 The dynamics of global cooperation and competition : 7th annual proceedings : International Symposium on Pacific Asian Business (ISPAB), Bangkok, Thailand, January 1994 and PAMI-Chulalongkorn Workshop, International management education and curriculum development, Bangkok, Thailand, January 1994. International Symposium on Pacific-Asian Business (7th : 1994 : Bangkok, Thailand) IN
Book Pac.HC412.K63 1995 Infrastructure development in East Asia and Pacific : towards a new public-private partnership. IN
Book Pac.HC412.M5 1971 Industrialization of the Western Pacific : an economic survey of the Pacific Area Part III. Mitchell, Kate L., 1909- IN
Book Pac.HC412.R44 1981 Regional Committee for Asia and the Pacific : 8th Annual meeting, Macao, August 4-6, 1981 host. Rehabilitation International. IN
 3 Pac.HC412.R476S437 2001 c.3
Book Pac.HC412.T69 1993 Towards greater productivity of labour in the South Pacific : report of the operations of the EMPLA (C) Project 1 August 1990-30 September 1991. IN
 4 Pac.HC412.U48 1982
 3 Pac.HC412.U65 1982
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