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  Call Number Title Author Status
Map Gov.D5.356:73082/2001 Banda Sea, Indonesia--East Timor, approaches to Dili. United States. National Imagery and Mapping Agency. OUT
Map Gov.D5.356:75176/2000 Australia--south coast, Geelong Harbour and approaches. United States. National Imagery and Mapping Agency. OUT
 4 Gov.D5.358:VMAP0SOAMAF/2000/CD
Book Gov.D5.363/2:2010 Total current tables 2010: Pacific Coast of North America and Asia. IN
Serial Gov.D5.363/3-4:2010 Tide tables, Europe and west coast of Africa, including Mediterranean Sea. U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey. IN
Serial Gov.D5.363/3:2010 Tide tables, east coast, North and South America. United States. Coast and Geodetic Survey. IN
Book Gov.D5.363:2010 Total current tables 2010: Atlantic Coast of North America. IN
Book Gov.D 5.417/2:B 64 The borderlands of Southeast Asia : geopolitics, terrorism, and globalization. Clad, James. IN
 2 Gov.D11.7:EU 7/V.2/2002
Serial Gov.D.16/2:T28/2/2001 Test and evaluation management guide. IN
Computer Gov.D101.129/6:L61/CD USAREC electronic library. United States. Army Recruiting Command. IN
Book Gov.D 101.2:AF 3/2 Long hard road : NCO experiences in Afghanistan and Iraq. IN
Serial Gov.D101.95:995 Weapon systems. OUT
Serial Gov.D103.126:10/1 The Environmental update. IN
Computer Gov.D103.128:993 NEPA/BRAC93 National Environment Policy Act statutes, guidance, and information to assist base realignment and closure activities. OUT
Book Gov. D 104.2:W 17/8 Walter Reed Army Medical Center centennial : a pictorial history, 1909-2009. IN
Book Gov.D108.2.J89 2021 Judge advocates in the Great War, 1917-1922. Borch, Frederic L., 1954- author. IN
 2 Gov.D110.2:W19
Book Gov. D114:2:C49 The civil war begins: opening clashes, 1861. Murray, Jennifer M. IN
Book Gov.D114.11:AR 5/2/999 Armies, corps, divisions, and separate brigades. IN
 4 Gov.D 114.11:AR 7/4/PRT. 1
Book Gov.D114.11:IN 8/998 Military intelligence. Finnegan, John Patrick. IN
Book Gov.D114.11 M 31/ Maneuver and firepower: the evolution of divisions and separate brigades. Wilson, John B. 1934- IN
Book Gov.D114.19:AR 7 Eyes of Artillery : the origins of modern U.S. Army aviation in World War II. Raines, Edgar F. IN
Book Gov.D114.19:B45/2017 The city becomes a symbol : the U.S. Army in the occupation of Berlin, 1945-1949. Stivers, William, author. IN
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