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  Call Number Title Author Status
Mixed Pac.GB5019.M58D63 2009 Natural disasters : Micronesia & vicinity (includes some other disasters of note, particularly in the Pacific region. IN
Book Pac.GC1.A72 Stone adzes from Pohnpei, Micronesia. Ayers, William S. IN
Book Pac.GC1.C67 1993 Ocean processes and properties : report on oceanographic measurements along 165o E (20o S-10o N) in March and July 1991 = Caracte´ristiques et fonctionnement de l'oce´an : re´sultats de la radiale 165o E (20o S-10o N) en mars et juillet 1991. Le Borgne, Robert. IN
 2 Pac.GC1.H37b no.77-4
 3 Pac.GC1.H387 no.96-01
Serial Pac.GC1.H3839 Mal.ama kai = Care for the sea. IN
Book Pac.GC1.L663 1981 Wave attenuation and wave set-up on a coastal reef. Gerritsen, Franciscus, 1923- IN
 2 Pac.GC1.O32M67 1986
Book Pac.GC1.P94 1995 Proceedings of the Twentieth Annual Student Symposium on Marine Affairs. Student Symposium on Marine Affairs (20th: 1995: University of Hawaii at Manoa) IN
 2 Pac.GC1.S1H34 2015
Book Pac.GC10.D525 1993 Directory of organizations and organizational units co-ordinating or contributing to the co-ordination of the action plans related to the Regional Se. IN
Book Pac.GC10.R53 1981 A marine resource directory for the island of Oahu, 1 September 1981/. Richard, Melissa L. IN
Book Pac.GC21.5.M55 1998 KidScience presents OceanQuest. Miller, Patty. IN
 2 Pac.GC24.L78 2003
 2 Pac.GC31.H54 1982
Book Pac.GC31.U47 1976 Marine affairs : register of courses and training programmes : an international survey of academic and research institutes offering courses and training programmes in marine technology, ocean engineering, coastal zone management, the application of economics to the marine field, and coastal zone protection law and regulations. IN
Book Pac.GC31.6.U51 1994 School of Ocean and Earth Science and Technology. IN
Book Pac.GC57.2.H3 no.75-02 The commercial production of topminnows : a preliminary economic analysis. Herrick, Samuel F. IN
Book Pac.GC57.2.H319 1980 Palau's marine ecosystems : a resource booklet. IN
Book Pac.GC58.H35 l974 Hawaii and the sea--1974. IN
Book Pac.GC65.E185 Exploring the deep frontier : the adventure of man in the sea. Earle, Sylvia A., 1935- IN
 2 Pac.GC67.P75 1971
Book Pac.GC89.H53 no. 80-5 The mean annual variation of sea level in the Pacific Ocean. Wyrtki, Klaus. IN
Book Pac.GC89.S714 1989. SPC/UNEP/ASPEI Intergovernmental Meeting on Climatic Changes and Sea Level Rise in the South Pacific Majuro, Marshall Islands, 17-20 July 1989 : report. SPC/UNEP/ASPEI Intergovernmental Meeting on Climatic Changes and Sea Level Rise in the South Pacific (1989: Majuro, Marshall Islands) IN
 5 Pac.GC89.V85 1992
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