View previous page View next page Call Number Search: DS721.Y5 2004
  Call Number Title Author Status
Book DT156.7.N53 1987 Class and power in Sudan : the dynamics of Sudanese politics, 1898-1985. Niblock, Tim. IN
Book DT16.W45B69 1988 African lives : white lies, tropical truth, darkest gossip, and rumblings of rumor--from Chinese Gordon to Beryl Markham, and beyond. Boyles, Denis. IN
Book DT1757.K757 1998 Country of my skull. Krog, Antjie. IN
Book DT1945.S6 1995 Tomorrow is another country : the inside story of South Africa’s Negotiated Revolution. Sparks, Allister Haddon. IN
Book DT1949.M35C65 2001 Nelson Mandela. Connolly, Sean, 1956- IN
Book DT1949.M35M47 1997 Nelson Mandela : a biography. Meredith, Martin. IN
Book DT1949.S23A3 1990 Running to Maputo. Sachs, Albie, 1935- IN
Book DT1974.M348S5 2003 Mandela. Smith, Charlene. IN
Book DT1974.S4 1999 Mandela : the authorized biography. Sampson, Anthony, 1926-2004. IN
Book DT20.J94 1970 A history of the African people. July, Robert William. IN
Book DT20.O2 1992 The African experience. Oliver, Roland Anthony. IN
Book DT215.L533 1989 Libya, a country study. IN
Book DT236.E45 1997 Libya's Qaddafi : the politics of contradiction. El-Kikhia, Mansour O. IN
Book DT2400.Z85M67 1998 The washing of the spears : a history of the rise of the Zulu nation under Shaka and its fall in the Zulu War of 1879. Morris, Donald R. IN
Book DT245 .T7955 1988 Tunisia : a country study. IN
Book DT25.D28 1966 African kingdoms,. Davidson, Basil, 1914- IN
Book DT275.A5771 1994 Algeria, a country study. IN
Book DT28.P34 2003 The scramble for Africa : white man's conquest of the Dark Continent from1876-1912. Pakenham, Thomas, 1933- IN
 4 DT29.C66 1993
Book DT2904.L47 1992 African laughter : four visits to Zimbabwe. Lessing, Doris May, 1919- IN
Book DT294.7.E2K63 1989 Isabelle : the life of Isabelle Eberhardt. Kobak, Annette. IN
Book DT2990.F85 2001 Don't let's go to the dogs tonight : an African childhood. Fuller, Alexandra, 1969- IN
Book DT3.A23 1986 Africa. IN
Book DT30.5.A3549 2000 Africa, opposing viewpoints. IN
Book DT30.5.D28 1992 The Black man's burden : Africa and the curse of the nation-state. Davidson, Basil, 1914- IN
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