View previous page View next page Call Number Search: Pac.GN662.C66
  Call Number Title Author Status
Book Pac.GN410.H4 1952 Economic anthropology : a study in comparative economics. Herskovits, Melville Jean, 1895- IN
Book Pac.GN418.H5 From nudity to raiment : an introduction to the study of costume. Hiler, Hilaire, 1898- IN
Book Pac.GN419.3.T39 2005 Tattoo : bodies, art, and exchange in the Pacific and the West. IN
Book Pac.GN423.A55 Contribution to the history of fishing in the southern seas/. Anell, Bengt. IN
Mixed Pac.GN423.B74 Coral fishooks of Safonfok, Kosrae. Beardsley, Fecicia R. IN
 2 Pac.GN424.H3
Book Pac.GN429.K6213 1986 The material culture of Kiribati. Koch, Gerd IN
Book Pac.GN431.P34 1981 Pacific basket makers, a living tradition : catalog of the 1981 Pacific Basket Maker's Symposium and Exhibition. Pacific Basket Maker's Symposium and Exhibition (1981 : Anchorage Historical and Fine Arts Museum) IN
 2 Pac.GN432.N45 2004 c.2
Book Pac.GN432.P75 1984 Siapo : Bark cloth art of Samoa. Pritchard, Mary J. IN
Book Pac.GN432.P85 2005 Hiapo : past and present in Niuean barkcloth. Pule, John Puhiatau 1962- IN
Book Pac.GN432.R83 1992 Power and enchantment : Ritual textiles from the islands. Rubinstein, Donald H. 1948- IN
 2 Pac.GN433.T4
Mixed Pac GN 440 A34 Phosphate deposits of Angaur Island, Palau Islands. IN
Serial Pac.GN440.B71 1973 Stick charting. IN
Book Pac.GN440.B74 Stick charts from the Marshall Islands. Bryan, E. H. (Edwin Horace), 1898- IN
Book Pac.GN440.D65 Polynesian seafaring; a disquisition on prehistoric celestial navigation and the nature of seagoing double canoes, with illustrations reproducing original field sketches, wash drawings, or prints by artists on the early voyages of exploration and occasional written reports from on-the-scene observers. Dodd, Edward, 1905- IN
Book Pac.GN440.E3 1987 Ancient (Pacific Island) and Western (traditional and modern) navigation : a reflection of cultural perspectives. Ellsworth, John Charles. IN
 4 Pac.GN440.G55 1968?
 2 Pac.GN440.H35 1919
 3 Pac.GN440.I53 1992
Book Pac.GN440.J651 "The Carolinian cane as a navagation instrument". Jonsson, Erik. IN
 4 Pac.GN440.L48 1972
 2 Pac.GN440.L484
 3 Pac.GN440.N35
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