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  Call Number Title Author Status
 2 Pac.JV5260.J36 1984
Book Pac.JV6318.H83 Australia and the colonial question at the United Nations. Hudson, W. J. IN
Book Pac.JV6884.M55 1978 The Japanese problem in the United States; an investigation for the Commission on relations with Japan appointed by the Federal council of the churches of Christ in America. Millis, Harry A. (Harry Alvin), 1873-1948. IN
Book Pac.JV6926.S26C43 1992 Shadowed lives : undocumented immigrants in American society. Chavez, Leo R. (Leo Ralph) IN
Book Pac.JV8490.P33 1987 Pacific bridges : the new immigration from Asia and the Pacific Islands. IN
Book Pac.JV8721.M67 1985 Imingaisha : Japanese emigration companies and Hawaii, 1894-1908. Moriyama, Alan Takeo, 1948- IN
Book Pac.JV9290.C43 1991 Pacific Island movement and socioeconomic change : metaphors of misunderstanding. Chapman, Murray. IN
 3 Pac.JV9290.C66 1997
 2 Pac.JV9290.M54 2006
Book Pac.JV9290.R83 1991 The future of Micronesian migration to Guam : paper prepared for the XVII Pacific Science Congress, 27 May to 2 June, 1991. Rubinstein, Donald H., 1948- IN
Book Pac.JV9300G8.S65 1993 Attitudes of long-term residents of Guam toward the immigrants from the Federated States of Micronesia andthe Republic of the Marshall Islands. Smith, Seyda Turk IN
Book Pac.JV9300.M5F31 2012 Survey of Federated States of Micronesia Migrants in the United States including Guam and the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands (CNMI). Overseas Development Assistance and Compact Management IN
Book Pac.JV9300.P3M33 Population demographic structure in rural areas and the effect of urban drift on rural societies in the Palau. McGrath, W. A. (William A.) IN
 2 Pac.JV9446.I8 2009
 4 Pac.JV9447.F6U54 2001
 2 Pac.JV9447.F31 1999
Book Pac.JV9447.L48 1999 Micronesian migrants : who they are and where they are going. Levin, Michael J., 1947- IN
 6 Pac.JV9447.M5 1996b c.4
 3 Pac.JV9447.M54 2016
 4 Pac.JV9447.N3H3 1989
 3 Pac.JV9447.S9 2007 c.2
Book Pac.JV9447 .S827 2003a The status of Micronesian migrants in 1998 : a study of the impact of the Compacts of Free Association based of censuses of Micronesian migrants to Hawaii, Guam and the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands. IN
 2 Pac.JV9452.B31 2001 Pt. 2
Book Pac.JV9452.B45 Colonial immigration in Guam: displacement of the Chamorro people under U.S. governance. Bettis, Leland IN
Book Pac.JV9452.S65 1994 A survey of Micronesian immigrants to Guam : predictors of coping and access to life essentials. Smith, Kyle D. IN
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