View previous page View next page Call Number Search: VerF 0207 Pac
  Call Number Title Author Status
Mixed VerF 0075.00 Pac Asia and the Pacific Islands expanding interactions : indeterminate consequences. Crocombe, R. G. (Ronald Gordon) IN
Mixed VerF 0075.65 Pac United States Trust Territory land cases. Crocombe, R. G. (Ronald Gordon). IN
Mixed VerF 0075.68 Pac Observations on land tenure in Tarawa, Gilbert Islands. Crocombe, R. G. (Ronald Gordon) IN
 2 VerF 0075.89a Pac
Mixed VerF 0075.89 Pac Constraints and opportunities for small-scale farmers in the Pacific Islands. Crocombe, R. G. IN
Serial VerF 0075.91 Pac Latin America and the Pacific Islands. IN
 2 VerF 0075.92
 2 VerF 0075.93 Pac
Mixed VerF 0075.93 Pac. Pacific Science in the 21st century. Crocombe, R. G. (Ronald Gordon) IN
Mixed VerF 0075.94 Pac Potentials for the world's smallest micro-cultures : directions of the expressive arts in the Pacific Islands. Crocombe, Ron. IN
Mixed VerF 0075.95 Pac. Naming and claiming in the South Pacific : the South Pacific place names conference, Wellington, 5-7 November 1990. Crocombe, R. G. (Ronald Gordon) IN
Mixed VerF 0076.76a Pac Life and design in Ponape, Micronesia, part 2: 'Bricolage' as seen in the Ponapean way of utilizing coconut palm. Shimizu, Akitoshi. IN
Mixed VerF 0076.76 Pac. Cultural complexes of the Ponapean life found around the cooking method of stone oven. Shimizu, Akitoshi. IN
Mixed VerF 0076.85a Pac Two tales from the sacred island of Central Carolines. Komatsu, Kazuhiko IN
Mixed VerF 0076.85b Pac Politics of encounter : a semantic analysis of guest receiving behavior on Ponape, the Eastern Carolines. Shimizu, Akitoshi IN
Mixed VerF 0076.85c Pac The land holding group on Mogmog Island, Ulithi Atoll : matri-lineage in viri-local society, Caroline Islands of Micronesia. Ushijima, Iwao IN
Mixed VerF 0076.87a Pac Chieftainships in Micronesia. Shimizu, Akitoshi. IN
 2 VerF 0076.87 Pac
 2 VerF 0076.96 Pac
Mixed VerF 0084.72 Position paper on the proposed association between Micronesia and the United States/. IN
 4 VerF 0087.75a Pac
 3 VerF 0087.75 Pac.
 4 VerF 0087.76 Pac
Mixed VerF.0087.77 Pac. The nature of nurture. Marshall, Mac. IN
 2 VerF 0087.79a Pac
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