View previous page View next page Call Number Search: VF 15 PEA 2002
  Call Number Title Author Status
Mixed VF 42 MUN 2002 Where does history come from. Munslow, Alun. IN
Mixed VF 43 WAL 2002 Slavery and the British. Walvin, James. IN
Mixed VF 44 FLY 2005 Parnell : the rebel prince. Flynn, Kevin Haddick. IN
Mixed VF 45 WIS 2005 Gladiator and the myths of Rome. Wiseman, T.P. IN
Mixed VF 46 WIL 2005 Russia 1905. Williams, Beryl. IN
Mixed VF 47 HUG 2005 Oop for t'coop : sporting identity in Victorian Britain. Huggins,Mike. IN
Mixed VF 48 MAB 2002 The beginnings of Buddhism. Mabbett, Ian. IN
Mixed VF 49 VIC 2002 Pots of silver?. Vickers, Michael. IN
Mixed VF 50 GIL 2001 Images beyond history. Gilman, Sander L. IN
Mixed VF 51 GRI 2001 Deep time and Australian history. Griffiths, Tom. IN
Mixed VF 52 SHE 2000 Viewing teaching on videotape. Sherin, Miriam Gamoran. IN
Mixed VF 53 PIT 2000 Making cyberspace safe for children. Pittman, Joyce. IN
Mixed VF 54 SMY 2005 Time to rethink time? : the experience of the time with children after divorce. Smyth, Bruce. IN
Mixed VF 55 WEI 2005 Action methods in marriage and family therapy : a review. Wiener, Daniel J. IN
Mixed VF 56 FAR 2005 The Integration of psychodrama with Bowen's theories in couples theraphy. Farmer, Chris. IN
Mixed VF 57 DOL 2005 What college students think about problems of marriage and having children. Dolbik-Vorobei, T.A. IN
Mixed VF 58 NEL 2002 Physical sysmptoms in sexually abused women : somatization or undetected injury?. Nelson, Sarah. IN
Mixed VF 59 BAR 2004 Community social context and individualistic attitudes toward marriage. Barber, Jennifer S. IN
Mixed VF 60 ISH 2003 The Evils of child marriage. Ishvarcadra Vidyasagar. IN
Mixed VF 61 MIK 2002 Child marriage and child prostitution : two forms of sexual exploitation. Mickhail, Susanne Louis B. IN
Mixed VF 62 MIK 2002 The socio-cultural context of child marriage in Bangladeshi village. Chowdhury, Deeba Farah. IN
Mixed VF 63 STE 2000 Criticized : the thumbing-down of film criticism. Sterritt, David. IN
Mixed VF 64 WIL 2000 Nature's next crisis islandization. Wilkinson, Todd. IN
Mixed VF 65 MAR 2000 In regulating internet, hands-off approach, so far. Marks, Alexander. IN
Mixed VF 67 UNL 2000 Unlocking secrets of the ice. IN
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