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 3 ARC.14E: 34 TTPI 1961
 3 ARC.14E: 35 TTPI 1961
 2 ARC.14E: 36 TTPI 1961
Book ARC.14E: 37 TTPI 1961 Micronesian reporter : the journal of Micronesia. IN
Book ARC.14E: 38 TTPI 1961 Micronesian reporter : the journal of Micronesia. IN
Book ARC. 554:10 Instructions to masters. (General instructions for ship operation). Department of Transportation and Communications. Sea Transportation. IN
Book ARC. 1300:5 Ponape District health annual implementation plan (AIP) : Project: Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands - 75/001. IN
Mixed ARC. 1379:5 Population growth in Micronesia. Kay, Alan. IN
Book ARC. 1421:18 Report on public hearings for the wastewater facilities plan. Department of Public Works. IN
Book ARC. 1430:0109 Environmental country report for the Trust Territory of the pacific. Trust Territory Department of Health Services. IN
Book ARC. 1435:24 Clean islands : A pollution control program. IN
Book ARC. 1477:0096 High Commissioner's report on the State of the Territory, delivered to the Congress of Micronesia, January 197 : Koror, Palau, Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands /. IN
Book ARC. 1530:8 Program performance on formula grants 1977. IN
 2 ARC. 1539:6
Book ARC. 2002-07 Developing Micronesia's people : Conference on Human Development held in Kolonia, Ponape, Mar. 4-8, 1975. National Human Development Conference (1975 : Kolonia, Micronesia (Federated States)) IN
Book ARC. 2002-13 Evaluation and planning for a new millennium. Cutright, Patricia J. IN
Book ARC.2008-55 Diet and disease for Micronesia. Parkinson, Linda. OUT
 7 ARC. 2008-57
 4 ARC. 2008-116
Book ARC. 2085:2 A proposal for solar salinity gradient ponds for solar energy storage and electricity generation in Micronesia. OUT
Book ARC. 2100:7 Inventory of wetland vegetation in the Caroline Islands. Stemmermann, Lani. IN
Book ARC. 2102:8 Archaeological and ethnographic investigations alignment 5B airport historical area, Yap, Western Caroline Islands. Denfeld, Duane. IN
Book ARC. 2102:11 Environmental impact assessment proposed Ponape marine resources facility first increment, Ponape district, Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands. IN
Book ARC. 2102:16 Feasibility study - Yap airport, Yap district, Western Caroline Islands for the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands, Office of the High Commissioner : Final report, TT contract 171-33, AS-71-11, 15 March 1971. IN
Book ARC. 2105:3 In the United States court of appeals for the ninth circuit, no. 75-1859. IN
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