View previous page View next page Call Number Search: Pac.DU740.76.H65A3 2004
  Call Number Title Author Status
Book Pac.DU740.4.O35 Social justice and neo-colonialism : implications for education and research at the University of Papua New Guinea : inaugural lecture. O'Collins, Maev. IN
Book Pac.DU740.4.R38 1978 Raun Raun Theatre : the popular folk theatre of Papua New Guinea. Murphy, Greg IN
Book Pac.DU740.42.C595 1992 Clowning as critical practice : performance humor in the South Pacific. IN
Book Pac.DU740.42.F35 1997 They make themselves : work and play among the Baining of Papua New Guinea. Fajans, Jane. IN
Book Pac.DU740.42.F67 Social reproduction and history in Melanesia : mortuary ritual, gift exchange, and custom in the Tanga Islands. Foster, Robert John, 1957- IN
 2 Pac.DU740.42.H32 1990
Book Pac.DU740.42.H45 2006 The Sambia : ritual, sexuality, and change in Papua New Guinea. Herdt, Gilbert H., 1949- IN
Book Pac.DU740.42.H375 1990 Stealing people's names : history and politics in a Sepik River cosmology. Harrison, Simon. IN
Book Pac.DU740.42.L46 2003 Creative land : place and procreation on the Rai Coast of Papua New Guinea. Leach, James, 1969- IN
Book Pac.DU740.42.M4 1977 Blood is their argument : warfare among the Mae Enga tribesmen of the New Guinea highlands. Meggitt, Mervyn J., 1924- IN
 2 Pac.DU740.42.N39 1992 c.2
Book Pac.DU740.42.P37 1995 Papuan borderlands : Huli, Duna, and Ipili perspectives on the Papua New Guinea Highlands. IN
Book Pac.DU740.42.S5 2002 Village on the edge : changing times in Papua New Guinea. Smith, Michael French. IN
Book Pac.DU740.42.S8 2000 Collaborations & conflicts : a leader through time. Strathern, Andrew IN
Book Pac.DU740.42.S34 1976 The sorrow of the lonely and the burning of the dancers. Schieffelin, Edward L. IN
 2 Pac.DU740.42.S65 1994
Book Pac.DU740.42.T84 1997 The Cassowary's revenge : the life and death of masculinity in a New Guinea society. Tuzin, Donald F. IN
Book Pac.DU740.42.W47 2006 Conservation is our government now : the politics of ecology in Papua New Guinea. West, Paige, 1969- IN
 2 Pac.DU740.5.O73
Book Pac.DU740.7.C57 2005 Unstable images : colonial discourse on New Ireland, Papua New Guinea, 1875-1935. Clay, Brenda Johnson. IN
 2 Pac.DU740.7.F56 1981
Book Pac.DU740.7.F57 1983 New Guinea under the Germans. Firth, Stewart IN
Book Pac.DU740.75.B85 2003 Building a nation in Papua New Guinea : views of the post-Independence generation. IN
Book Pac.DU740.75.G74 1979 Papua New Guinea : a political history. Griffin, James. IN
Book Pac.DU740.76.F85A3 2005 No turning back : a memoir. Fulton, Edward Thomas Whyte, 1904-1999. IN
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