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  Call Number Title Author Status
Book GV199.92.B755A3 2002 Desire & ice : searching for perspective atop Denali. Brill, David, 1955- IN
Book GV200.M695 1991 The basic essentials of mountaineering. Moynier, John. IN
Book GV351.G52 2000 Athletic scholarships : thousands of grants--and over $400 million--for college-bound athletes. Clark, Andy, 1958- IN
Book GV362.K54 2001 Complete physical education plans for grades 7-12. Kleinman, Isobel, 1946- IN
Book GV363.G76 2001 Teaching children physical education : becoming a master teacher. Graham, George, 1943- IN
Book GV365.H56 2003 Teaching secondary physical education : preparing adolescents to be active for life. Himberg, Cathrine, 1965- IN
Book GV365.K45 2004 Developing the physical education curriculum: an achievement-based approach. Kelly, Luke. IN
Book GV365.M65 2003 Teaching middle school physical education : a standards-based approach for grades 5-8. Mohnsen, Bonnie S., 1955- IN
Book GV365.P4992 2005 Physical education for lifelong fitness : the Physical Best teacher's guide. Physical Best (Program) IN
Serial GV443.D95 1995 Dynamic physical education for elementary school children. IN
Book GV443.G28 1995 Games and great ideas : a guide for elementary school physical educators and classroom teachers. IN
Book GV443.G232 2003 Developmental physical education for all children. Gallahue, David L. IN
Book GV443.M565 2003 Sport foundations for elementary physical education : a tactical games approach. Mitchell, Stephen A., 1959- IN
Book GV443.T495 2003 Physical education methods for elementary teachers. Thomas, Katherine T., 1948- IN
Book GV444.Y68 2000 Youth development and physical activity : linking universities and communities. IN
Book GV445.A3 2005 Adapted physical education and sport. IN
Book GV464.5.W47 2004 Teaching children gymnastics. Werner, Peter H. IN
Book GV481.2.L45 1998 Exercising your way to better mental health : combat stress, fight depression, and improve your overall mood and self-concept with these simple exercises. Leith, Larry M., 1949- IN
Book GV482.5.M46 2006 Men's health better body blueprint: the start-right, stick-to-it strength training plan. Mejia, Michael IN
Book GV546.5.V48 2014 Every day is game day : the proven system of elite performance to win all day, every day. Verstegen, Mark, 1969- IN
Book GV551.F95 2003 A primer Chinese acrobatics. Fu, Qifing IN
Book GV557.H25 1968 A handbook for teaching sports. IN
Book GV576.L43 2004 Sports and games of the Renaissance. Leibs, Andrew. IN
Book GV576.S55 2002 It's not over 'til it's over. Silverman, Al. IN
Book GV651.S5 2006 Fitness in China. Song, Yiqi IN
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