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  Call Number Title Author Status
Book GB618.7.C35 2006 Challenging the deserts. IN
Book GB661.2.P54 1998 Fresh water. Pielou, E. C., 1924- IN
Book GC1001.O23 1994 Ocean governance : sustainable development of the seas. IN
Book GC1001.R43 2005 Recent advances in marine science and technology, 98. IN
Book GC1005.2.M36 1977 Marine policy for America : the United States at sea. Mangone, Gerard J. IN
Book GC101.2.M56 1999 Methods of seawater analysis. IN
Book GC1018.V53 1995 Marine conservation for the 21st century : an essential guide for citizens, legislators, environmental professionals, and aquatic sports people.... Viders, Hillary. IN
Book GC1020.C53 2000 The future of U.S. ocean policy : choices for the new century. Cicin-Sain, Biliana. OUT
Book GC1080.O36 1969 Oil on the sea : proceedings of a symposium on the scientific and engineering aspects of oil pollution of the sea, sponsored by Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Wood Hole Oceanographic Institution and held at Cambridge, Massachusetts, May 16, 1969. IN
Book GC1081.L38 1995 Sustainable development and preservation of the oceans : the challenges of UNCLOS (United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea) and Agenda 21. Law of the Sea Institute. Conference (29th : 1995 : Denpasar, Indonesia) IN
Book GC1085.G67 1993 Environmental hazards : marine pollution. Gorman, Martha, 1952- IN
Book GC1085.M57 2009 Seasick : ocean change and the extinction of life on Earth. Mitchell, Alanna. IN
Book GC11.2.D39 1999 Oceans. Day, Trevor. IN
Book GC11.2.D89 1989 An introduction to the world's oceans. Duxbury, Alyn C., 1932- IN
Book GC11.2.G37 2010 Oceanography : an invitation to marine science. Garrison, Tom, 1942- IN
Book GC11.2.M33 2009 The science of oceanography. Mackin, James E., 1955- IN
Book GC11.2.O24 2020 Oceanology : the secrets of the sea revealed. IN
Book GC11.2.P55 2003 Invitation to oceanography. Pinet, Paul R. IN
Book GC11.2.T49 2008 Essentials of oceanography. Trujilo, Allan P. IN
Book GC11.2 .W55 1998 Listening to the sea : the politics of improving environmental protection. Wilder, Robert Jay. IN
Book GC16.D89 1993 Fundamentals of oceanography. Duxbury, Alison B. IN
Book GC16.I53 1989 Oceanography : an introduction. Ingmanson, Dale E. IN
Book GC21.5.B16 1990 Protecting the oceans. Baines, John D. IN
Book GC21.5.M42 1997 Oceans and seas. McLeish, Ewan, 1950- IN
Book GC21.E28 2009 The world is blue : how our fate and the ocean’s are one. Earle, Sylvia A., 1935- IN
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