View previous page View next page Call Number Search: QA76.P25 2011
  Call Number Title Author Status
Book QC173.575.S93 1990 Relativity : opposing viewpoints. Swisher, Clarice, 1933- OUT
Book QC174.12.H31 2001 The universe in a nutshell. Hawking, S. W. (Stephen W.) IN
Book QC174.12.S8 2008 The black hole war : my battle with Stephen Hawking to make the world safe for quantum mechanics. Susskind, Leonard. IN
 2 QC174.17.G7M54 1989
Book QC178.A574C53 1991 Anti-gravity and the world grid. IN
Recording QC21.2.F52 1994 Six easy pieces : essentials of physics, explained by its most brilliant teacher. Feynman, Richard Phillips. IN
Book QC21.2.S65 1985 Seven ideas that shook the universe. Spielberg, Nathan. IN
Book QC21.2.W43 1994 Dreams of a final theory. Weinberg, Steven, 1933- IN
Book QC21.3.G22 2010 The Cosmic Keyhole : How Astronomy Is Unlocking the Secrets of the Universe. Gater, William JH. IN
Book QC21.3.S46 2009 College physics. Serway, Raymond A. IN
Book QC23.2.C87 2004 Physics. Cutnell, John D. IN
Book QC23.H3918 1980 Physics in perspective. Hecht, Eugene. IN
Book QC24.5.G85 1995 Five equations that changed the world : the power and poetry of mathematics. Guillen, Michael. IN
Book QC24.5.L3613 Physics for everyone : motion heat. Landau, L. D. (Lev Davidovich), 1908-1968. IN
Book QC25.B185 2021 Supersimple physics : the ultimate bite-size study guide. Ball, Leo (Writer on physics), author. IN
Book QC33.C43 1984 Activities in physical sciences. Challand, Helen J. IN
Book QC6.E46R44 1961 Relativity : the special and the general theory ; a popular exposition. Einstein, Albert, 1879-1955. IN
Book QC6.G6885 2011 The hidden reality : parallel universes and the deep laws of the cosmos. Greene, B. (Brian), 1963- IN
Book QC73.8.S733 1995 Straight talk : the future of energy in the global economy. Stegemeier, Richard J. IN
Book QC75.G94 1999 The handy physics answer book. Gundersen, P. Erik, 1971- IN
Book QC773.A1C66 2005 109 East alace : Robert Oppenheimer and the secret city of Los Alamos. Conant, Jennet. IN
Book QC793.2.V45 2003 Facts and mysteries in elementary particle physics. Veltman, Martinus. IN
Book QC793.26.F91 2005 Elementary particles : building blocks of matter. Fritzsch, Harald, 1943- IN
Book QC815.2.L29 2006 The earth's magnetism : an introduction for geologists. Lanza, Roberto. IN
Book QC851.W6445 1998 Weather, oceans & human activity. IN
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