View previous page View next page Call Number Search: Pac.DU568.U5 C68 1980
  Call Number Title Author Status
 8 Pac.DU645.W55 2004 v. 3
 5 Pac.DU647.A1G88 1965
 21 Pac.DU647.A2G5 1971
 2 Pac.DU647.A3D75 1985
Book Pac.DU647.A38 2021 The properties of perpetual light. Aguon, Julian, author. IN
 3 Pac.DU647.A62 1974
Book Pac.DU647.A547 1967 Master plan: proposed War in the Pacific National Historical Park, Guam. United States. National Park Service IN
 3 Pac DU 647 A54 1952
 2 Pac.DU647.B4 1964
 2 Pac.DU647.B43
Book Pac.DU647.B85 1993 Briefing on H.R. 98, to establish the Commonwealth of Guam, and for other purposes, before the Subcommittee on Insular and International Affairs of the Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs of the U.S. House of Representatives, December 13, 1991, San Francisco, California, One Hundred Second Congress, first session. IN
Book Pac.DU647.B443 no.6 American naval occupation and government of Guam, 1898-1902. Beers, Henry Putney 1907- IN
 2 Pac.DU647.C3
Book Pac.DU647.C4 1987 Chamorro self-determination : the right of a people = i derechon i taotao. IN
 3 Pac.DU647.C66
 3 Pac.DU647.C86 2001 c.3
 4 Pac.DU647.D44 1979
 2 Pac.DU647.D75 2004
Book Pac.DU647.F37 The pictorial history of Guam : Guam, 1898-1918. Farrell, Don A. IN
Book Pac.DU647.F84 Kurze geschichte der Marianen. Fritz, Georg IN
Book Pac.DU647.F88 Von den Marianen. Fritz, Georg IN
Book Pac.DU647.F374 1986 The pictorial history of Guam : the Americanization, 1898-1918. Farrell, Don A. IN
 2 Pac.DU647.F388 1991
Book Pac.DU647.F814 Der chaifi. Ein marchen von den Marianen. Fritz, Georg IN
Mixed Pac DU 647 F82 Bericht uber die Insel Rota (Marianen). Fritz, Georg IN
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