View previous page View next page Call Number Search: Pac.DU1.S5824 1983
  Call Number Title Author Status
 2 Pac.DU500.I56
Book Pac.DU500.J35 1934 Annex Laws and Regulations : The South Sea Islands under Japanese mandate. [Japan South Seas Bureau]. IN
 2 Pac.DU500.K3 1948 c.2
 6 Pac.DU500.K7 1943 c.2
Book Pac.DU500.K8 Studienreise nach den Zentral- und Westkarolinen. Krämer, Augustin, 1865-1941. IN
 3 Pac.DU500.K14 1988
 2 Pac.DU500.K27
 4 Pac.DU500.K58 1991 c.2
Book Pac.DU500.K82 1952 The governing of Micronesia : a report on the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands, based on a field survey conducted during February and March 1952. Kugel, Kenneth. IN
 2 Pac.DU500.K94B35 2007
 2 Pac.DU500.K271 1993
Book Pac.DU500.K837 Slippery paths : connections and divergences between historic preservation and tourism in Micronesia. Krause, Elizabeth L. IN
Book Pac.DU500.L3 Ursprung und entwicklung des post-und telegraphenwesens der Deutschen Schutzgebiete in der Sudsee und in china. IN : Jahrbuch uber die deutschen Kilonien. Lathe, Fritz IN
 2 Pac.DU500.L39 1991
 5 Pac.DU500.L48 2000
 2 Pac DU500.L89 1931
 4 Pac.DU500.M3
 13 Pac.DU500.M5 1974 Index
 2 Pac.DU500.M26 1975
 2 Pac.DU500.M32 1947
Book Pac.DU500.M35 United States public policy and its implementation in the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands, 1947-1967. McClam, Virginia Gildersleeve. IN
 4 Pac.DU500.M36 1971 c.2
Book Pac.DU500.M37 Micronesia: isolation or assimilation?. Mason, Leonard, 1913- IN
 3 Pac.DU500.M45 1997
Serial Pac.DU500.M51 1973 1st quarter Interview: The Xavier Five : Sabino Anastacio, Ben B'Moon, Mikel Benjamin, Simon Simina, Joe Urusemal. IN
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