View previous page View next page Call Number Search: CD ROM 0293 1994
  Call Number Title Author Status
Book CB69.M3 1988 A history of world societies. McKay, John P. IN
Book CB69.S29 2008 The humanities : culture, continuity & change. Sayre, Henry IN
Book CB69.T69 1976 Mankind and Mother Earth : a narrative history of the world. Toynbee, Arnold Joseph, 1889-1975. IN
Book CC100.M313 1967 Gods, graves, and scholars : the story of archaeology. Ceram, C. W., 1915-1972. IN
Book CC115.R35A3 1992 Reflections of a digger : fifty years of world archaeology. Rainey, Froelich G. (Froelich Gladstone), 1907- IN
Book CC165.H64 1969 An introduction to prehistoric archeology. Hole, Frank. IN
Book CC165.Z1 2001 The future of the past : archaeology in the twenty-first century. Zangger, Eberhard. IN
Book CC175.P43 2002 Shamanism and the ancient mind : a cognitive approach to archaeology. Pearson, James L., 1938- IN
Book CC72.R4 1998 Reader in archaeological theory : post-processual and cognitive approaches. IN
Book CC72.W88 2002 Thinking from things : essays in the philosophy of archaeology. Wylie, Alison. IN
Book CC76.J68 1980 A complete manual of field archaeology : tools and techniques of field work for archaeologists. Joukowsky, Martha. IN
Book CC77.W48V26 2006 Rethinking wetland archaeology. Van de Noort, Robert. IN
Computer CD ROM 0001 1998 Microsoft encarta virtual globe 99 : encarta virtual globe. IN
Computer CD ROM 0002 1998 Microsoft encarta virtual globe 99 : encarta virtual globe. IN
Computer CD ROM 0003 2000 The Pacific Islands : an encyclopedia. IN
Computer CD ROM 0004 1999 Laws of the FSM. IN
Computer CD ROM 0005 1998 Rocks, minerals, and fossils. IN
Computer CD ROM 0006 1997 Pacific at risk : our islands our lives. Tutangata, Tamari'i. IN
Computer CD ROM 0007 2002 Microsoft Encarta encyclopedia plus 2003. IN
Computer CD ROM 0008 2002 Microsoft Encarta encyclopedia plus 2003. IN
Computer CD ROM 0009 2002 Microsoft Encarta encyclopedia plus 2003. IN
Computer CD ROM 0010 1996 Library of the future. IN
Computer CD ROM 0011 1997 Project Gutenberg. IN
Computer CD ROM 0012 1996 Oxbase : oxbridge directories on CD-ROM. IN
Computer CD ROM 0013 1996 Ethnic newswatch : the other side of the stories. IN
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