View previous page View next page Call Number Search: PL6053.R14 1985
  Call Number Title Author Status
Book PR5363.S2 1968 Saint Joan : a screenplay. Shaw, Bernard, 1856-1950. IN
Book PR5484.K5S4 1982 Kidnapped. Stevenson, Robert Louis, 1850-1894. IN
Book PR5489.A2N42 1982 A newly discovered long story, An old song, and a previously unpublished short story, Edifying letters of the Rutherford family. Stevenson, Robert Louis, 1850-1894. IN
Book PR5493.R364D34 1987 Dead man's chest : travels after Robert Louis Stevenson. Rankin, Nicholas. IN
Book PR5618.Al 1997 Vanity fair : a novel without a hero ; with and introduction and reading list by Ron Singer. Thackeray, William Makepeace, 1811-1963. IN
Book PR5684.B38 1993 Is he popenjoy?. Trollope, Anthony, 1815-1882. IN
Book PR5699.T3Z77 1998 Fanny Trollope : the life and adventure of a clever woman. Neville-Sington, Pamela. IN
Book PR5774.K65 1984 Kipps. Wells, H. G. (Herbert George), 1866-1946. IN
Book PR5810.F66 1989 Complete works of Oscar Wilde. Wilde, Oscar, 1854-1900. IN
Book PR5907.B62 1970 Yeats. Bloom, Harold. IN
Book PR6001.M6Z47 1991 Memoirs. Amis, Kingsley. IN
Book PR6003.E282E7 1980 The Expelled and other Novellas. Beckett, Samuel. IN
Book PR6003.U13T5 1994 The thirty-nine steps. Buchan, John, 1875-1940. IN
Book PR6005.H66A6 1980b Five complete Miss Marple novels. Christie, Agatha, 1890-1976. IN
Book PR6005.L36A618 1997 3001 : the final odyssey. Clarke, Arthur Charles, 1917- IN
Book PR6005.L36S66 1986 The songs of distant earth. Clarke, Arthur Charles, 1917- IN
Book PR6005.O4V5 2009 Victory : an island tale. Conrad, Joseph, 1857-1924. OUT
Book PR6007.U47F73 2009 Frenchman's creek. Du Maurier, Daphne. OUT
Book PR6011.058.P3 1984 A passage to India. Forster, E. M. (Edward Morgan), 1879-1970. IN
Book PR6013.R44C68 1986 Collected short stories. Greene, Graham, 1904- OUT
Book PR6013.R44P87 1962 The power and the glory. Greene, Graham, 1904- OUT
Book PR6015.A464V59 2004 A Vizier's daughter : a tale of Hazara War. Hamilton, Lillias, 1858-1925. IN
Book PR6015.E795B39 2010 Beauvallet. Heyer, Georgette. OUT
Book PR6015.U9B65 1998 Brave new world. Huxley, Aldous, 1894-1963. OUT
Book PR6015.U9I86 2002 Island. Huxley, Aldous, 1894-1963. IN
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