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  Call Number Title Author Status
 4 FAO.SF55.D44C37 2009
 2 FAO.SF61.W67 2011
Book FAO.SF95.K75 2011 Rearing young ruminants on milk replacers and starter feeds. Krishnamoorthy, Uppoor. IN
 2 FAO.SF95.4.D44S83 2011
Book FAO.SF97.C69 2013 Quality assurance for microbiology in feed analysis laboratories. Cowie, Richard A. IN
Book FAO.SF97.C73 2012 Conducting national feed assessments. Coughenour, Michael B. IN
Book FAO.SF97.J66 2013 The feed analysis laboratory : establishment and quality control : setting up a feed analysis laboratory, and implementing a quality assurance system compliant with ISO/IEC 17025:2005. Jonge, L. H. de. IN
Book FAO.SF97.Q35 2011 Quality assurance for animal feed analysis laboratories. IN
Book FAO.SF97.8.A55 2008 Animal feed impact on food safety : report of the FAO/WHO expert meeting. IN
Serial FAO.SF98.P7P77 2002 Protein sources for the animal feed industry : expert Consultation and Workshop, Bangkok, 29 April - 3 May 2002. IN
Book FAO.SF98.P46S84 2009 Submission and evaluation of pesticide residues data for the estimation of maximum residue levels in food and feed. IN
Book FAO.SF99.C73W34 2012 Crop residue based densified total mixed ration : a user-friendly approach to utilise food crop by-products for ruminant production. Walli, T. K. IN
Book FAO.SF105.L68 2009 Livestock keepers : guardians of biodiversity. IN
 2 FAO.SF105.3.A53 2013
Book FAO.SF105.3.B74 2010 Breeding strategies for sustainable management of animal genetic resources. IN
Book FAO.SF105.3.D48 2011 Developing the institutional framework for the management of animal genetic resources. IN
Book FAO.SF105.3.G59 2007 Global plan of action for animal genetic resources and the Interlaken Declaration : adopted by the International Technical Conference on Animal Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture, Interlaken, Switzerland, 3-7 September 2007. IN
Book FAO.SF105.3.M64 2011 Molecular genetic characterization of animal genetic resources. IN
Book FAO.SF105.3.P46 2007 People and animals : traditional livestock keepers : guardians of domestic animal diversity. IN
Book FAO.SF105.3.P49 2012 Phenotypic characterization of animal genetic resources. IN
Book FAO.SF105.3.P74 2009 Preparation of national strategies and action plans for animal genetic resources. IN
Book FAO.SF105.3.R57 2007 The state of the world's animal genetic resources for food and agriculture. IN
Book FAO.SF105.3.R572 2007 The state of the world's animal genetic resources for food and agriculture-- in brief. IN
Book FAO.SF105.3.S97 2011 Surveying and monitoring of animal genetic resources. IN
Book FAO.SF140.E25S742 2006 Livestock's long shadow : environmental issues and options. Steinfeld, Henning. IN
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