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  Call Number Title Author Status
Book HD75.5 .R66 1998 The natural wealth of nations : harnessing the market for the environment. Roodman, David Malin. IN
Book HD75.6.E348 2010 Ecological economics : principles and applications. Daly, Herman E. IN
Book HD75.6.G555 2003 Global resources : opposing viewpoints. IN
Book HD75.6.K36 1992 Time for change : a new approach to environment and development. Kane, Hal. IN
Book HD75.6.K577 2002 What we learned in the rainforest : business lessons from nature : innovation, growth, profit, and sustainability at 20 of the world's top companies. Kiuchi, Tachi, 1935- IN
Book HD75.6.M43 1992 Beyond the limits : confronting global collapse; envisioning a sustainable future. Meadows, Donella H. IN
Book HD75.6.S855 1995 A survey of ecological economics. IN
Book HD75.6.T69 1994 Toward sustainable development : concepts, methods, and policy. IN
Book HD75.C4536 2005 Ideas for development. Chambers, Robert, 1932- IN
Book HD75.D499 1999 The developmental state. IN
Book HD75.F77 2001 Frontiers of development economics : the future in perspective. IN
Book HD75.H36 1992 Who prospers? : how cultural values shape economic and political success. Harrison, Lawrence E. IN
Book HD75.H458 1997 Economic development : theories, evidence, and policies. Hess, Peter. IN
Book HD75.V57 2001 Visible hands : taking responsibility for social development. IN
Book HD7654.F65 The economics of industrial health : history, theory, practice. Follmann, Joseph Francis, 1908- IN
Book HD8038.Al S87 2015 The future of the professions : how technology will transform the work of human experts. Susskind, Richard E., author. IN
Book HD8039.A43L63 1996 Careers as a flight attendant : flight to the future. Lobus, Catherine Okray. IN
Book HD8039.A428U66 1997 Opportunities in airline careers. Paradis, Adrian A. IN
Book HD8039.F32U646 2009 Deeply rooted : unconventional farmers in the age of agribusiness. Hamilton, Lisa M. IN
Book HD8039.M52U64 1986 Opportunities in the machine trades. Garvey, Lonny D. IN
Book HD8039.S4S43 1989 Seafarers in the ASEAN region. IN
Book HD8066.W64 2002 Work : opposing viewpoints. IN
Book HD8072.G98 1977 Work, culture, and society in industrializing America : essays in American working-class and social history. Gutman, Herbert George, 1928- IN
Book HD8072.M73 1987 The fall of the house of labor : the workplace, the state, and American labor activism, 1865-1925. Montgomery, David, 1927- IN
Book HD82.C58 1994 Geo-economics, the new science : the gospel of development according to chairman Mac. Conway, McKinley. IN
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