View previous page View next page Call Number Search: E255.M38 1978
  Call Number Title Author Status
Book E18.M44 1994 Pirates and privateers of the Americas. Marley, David F. IN
Book E180.5.M9 1999 My history is America's history : 15 things you can do to save America's stories. IN
Book E181.B63 2002 The savage wars of peace : small wars and the rise of American power. Boot, Max, 1968- IN
Book E183.7.N94 2002 The paradox of American power : why the world's only superpower can't go it alone. Nye, Joseph S. IN
Book E183.8.A3B74 2002 Forbidden truth : U.S.-Taliban secret oil diplomacy and the failed hunt for Bin Laden. Brisard, Jean-Charles. IN
Book E183.8.C5D26 2005 Dangerous strait : the U.S.--Taiwan--China crisis. IN
Book E183.8.C5M63 1990 China misperceived : American illusions and Chinese reality. Mosher, Steven W. IN
Book E183.8.C5T34 2002 30 years of SINO-US relations. IN
Book E183.8.C5Z45 1994 The dragon, the lion & the eagle : Chinese-British-American relations, 1949-1958. Zhai, Qiang, 1958- IN
Book E183.8.G3F78 1992 From occupation to cooperation : the United States and United Germany in a changing world order. IN
Book E183.8.G9I45 1982 The CIA in Guatemala : the foreign policy of intervention. Immerman, Richard H. IN
 2 E183.8.I7F57 1995
Book E183.8.I55B5 1988 The eagle and the lion : the tragedy of American-Iranian relations. Bill, James A. IN
Book E183.8.J3F73 1987 For richer, for poorer : the new U.S.-Japan relationship. Frost, Ellen L. IN
Book E183.8.J3H28 1993 Harness the rising sun : an American strategy for managing Japan's rise as a global power. IN
Book E183.8.J3I74213 1991 The Japan that can say no. Ishihara, Shintaro, 1932- IN
Book E183.8.J3L34 1997 The clash : U.S. Japanese relations throughout history. LaFeber, Walter. IN
 2 E183.8.J3S29 1985
 2 E183.8.J3U745 2002
Book E183.8.P6B66 1987 Waltzing with a dictator : the Marcoses and the making of American policy. Bonner, Raymond. IN
Book E183.8.R9K42 1969 Thirteen days; a memoir of the Cuban missile crisis. Kennedy, Robert F., 1925-1968. IN
Book E183.8.R9L26 1991 America, Russia, and the Cold War, 1945-1990. LaFeber, Walter. IN
Book E183.8.S65A544 1988 Russia looks at America : the view to 1917. Allen, Robert V. IN
 2 E183.8.T4E18 2009
Book E183.M2813 2007 Democracy with a gun : America and the policy of force. Matsuo, Fumio, 1933- IN
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