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  Call Number Title Author Status
Book Ref.ML100.N88 1994 The Norton-Grove concise encyclopedia of music. IN
Book Ref.ML102.C5.D28 1975 A Dictionary of protestant church music. Davidson, James Robert, 1942- IN
Book Ref.ML102.C7C28 2003 Country music : a biographical dictionary. Carlin, Richard, 1956- IN
Book Ref.ML102.F66S7 1997 Country music : the encyclopedia. Stambler, Irwin. IN
 2 Ref.ML102.I5.E529 2006
 2 Ref.ML102.K5E53 1994
 3 Ref.ML102.M88G3 2001
Book Ref.ML102.O6G55 2004 A dictionary of heroes, heroines, lovers, and villains in classical opera. Glick, Andrew. IN
 2 Ref.ML102.P4E5 1995
 3 Ref.ML102.P66B35 2003
Book Ref.ML102.R6J66 2012 The biographical dictionary of popular music : from Adele to Ziggy, the real A to Z of rock and pop. Jones, Dylan, 1960- IN
Book Ref.ML102.S77D43 2000 Stringed instruments. Dearling, Robert, 1933- IN
Book Ref.ML102.W56D43 2001 Woodwind & brass instruments. Dearling, Robert, 1933- IN
Book Ref.ML105.B16 1984 Baker's biographical dictionary of musicians. Baker, Theodore, 1851-1934. IN
Serial Ref.ML105.I57 1994 International who's who in music and musicians' directory. IN
Book Ref.ML111.S633 1997 Describing music materials : a manual for descriptive cataloging of printed and recorded music, music videos, and archival music collections: for use with AACR2 and APPM. Smiraglia, Richard P., 1952- IN
Book Ref.ML156.9.C66 1981 Recorded classical music : a critical guide to compositions and performances. Cohn, Arthur. IN
Book Ref.ML160.A27 1985 The concise Oxford history of music. Abraham, Gerald, 1904- IN
Book Ref.ML160.L34 1994 Larousse encyclopedia of music. IN
 6 Ref.ML160.T18 2005
Book Ref.ML390.S393 1997 The lives of the great composers. Schonberg, Harold C. IN
Book Ref.ML460.B49 2006 The Billboard illustrated musical instruments handbook. IN
Book Ref.ML1015.G7 1998 The complete encyclopedia of the guitar : the definitive guide to the world's most popular instrument. IN
 2 Ref.ML3270.H8 1980
Book Ref.ML3506.B475 1994 Thinking in jazz : the infinite art of improvisation. Berliner, Paul. IN
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