View previous page View next page Call Number Search: DS721.Y5 2004
  Call Number Title Author Status
Book DS779.26.C44 1980 China since Mao. IN
Book DS779.26 .H77 1983 China without Mao : the search for a new order. Hsü, Immanuel Chung-yueh, 1923- IN
Book DS779.32.L58 1989 Tell the world : what happened in China and why. Liu, Pin-yen, 1925- IN
Book DS779.43.T76 2008 Lost on planet China : one man's attempt to understand the world's most mystifying nation. Troost, J. Maarten. IN
Book DS779.43.W13 2003 Foreigners in China. IN
 2 DS779.43.Z6 2003
Book DS779.215.Z43 1999 Discovering Chinese nationalism in China : modernization, identity, and international relations. Zheng, Yongnian. IN
Book DS779.Y1 2007 Every community is a family. Yang, Jibin. IN
Book DS786.B68 2005 Silk road : monks, warriors & merchants on the Silk Road. Boulnois, Luce. IN
Book DS786.T43 2006 Tibet : roof of the world. IN
Book DS786.W54 1988 Tibet: a woman's lone trek across a mysterious land/. Wilby,Sorrel IN
Book DS79.66.H87C683 2002 Saddam : king of terror. Coughlin, Con, 1955- IN
Book DS79.66.H87M55 1990 Saddam Hussein and the crisis in the Gulf. Miller, Judith, 1948- IN
Book DS79.66.H87S58 2003 Saddam Hussein. Shields, Charles J., 1951- OUT
Book DS79.72.E54 1991 Engulfed in War : just war and the Persian Gulf. IN
Book DS79.72.S9 2009 The Gulf wars and the United States : shaping the twenty-first century. Schwab, Orrin, 1956- IN
Book DS79.75.C63 1999 Out of the ashes : the resurrection of Saddam Hussein. Cockburn, Andrew, 1947- IN
Book DS79.76.A4 2007 Iraq : the logic of withdrawal. Arnove, Anthony, 1969- IN
Book DS79.76.A44 2003 America at war : the battle for Iraq : a view from the front lines. IN
Book DS79.76.A373 2006 The foreigner's gift : the Americans, the Arabs, and the Iraqis in Iraq. Ajami, Fouad. IN
Book DS79.76.M94 2003 The Iraq war : a military history. Murray, Williamson. IN
Book DS79.76.N67 2003 War stories : Operation Iraqi Freedom. North, Oliver. IN
Book DS79.76.R36 2003 Weapons of mass deception : the uses of propaganda in Bush's war on Iraq. Rampton, Sheldon, 1957- IN
Book DS79.76.R42 2007 Fiasco : the American military adventure in Iraq. Ricks, Thomas E. IN
Book DS79.76.W66 2004b Plan of attack. Woodward, Bob. IN
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