View previous page View next page Call Number Search: QA76.P25 2011
  Call Number Title Author Status
Book QC981.8.C5L45 2001 The carbon war : global warming and the end of the oil era. Leggett, Jeremy K. IN
Book QC981.8.C5M388 2012 Waking the giant : how a changing climate triggers earthquakes, tsunamis, and volcanoes. McGuire, Bill, 1954- IN
Book QC981.8.C5P68 2009 Climate change : the science, impacts and solutions. Pittock, A. Barrie OUT
Book QC981.8.C5R718 1991 Climate change and energy policy : proceedings of the International Conference on Global Climate Change: its mitigation through improved production and use of energy, Los Alamos National Laboratory, October 21 - 24, 1991. IN
Book QC981.8.C5W645 2008 Energy, environment, and climate. Wolfson, Richard IN
Book QC981.8.G56C64 1992 Policy implications of greenhouse warming : mitigation, adaptation, and the science base. Committee on Science, Engineering, and Public Policy (U.S.). Panel on Policy Implications of Greenhouse Warming. IN
Book QC981.8.G56D37 2013 The age of global warming : a history. Darwall, Rupert. IN
Book QC981.8.G56F43 2009 Now or never : why we must act now to end climate change and create a sustainable future. Flannery, Tim OUT
 4 QC981.8.G56G581945 1997
Book QC981.8.G56H78 2007 The politically incorrect guide to global warming and environmentalism. Horner, Christopher C. IN
Video QC981.8.G56I533 2006x An inconvenient truth a global warning. OUT
 2 QC981.8.G56 M365 2008
Book QC981.8.G56N48 1993 Global warming : a reference handbook. Newton, David E. IN
Book QC981.8.G56S5 1990 Global warming : are we entering the greenhouse century?. Schneider, Stephen Henry. IN
Book QC981.8.G56T46 2004 The complete idiot's guide to global warming. Tennesen, Michael. IN
Book QC981.8.G56W43 2003 The discovery of global warming. Weart, Spencer R., 1942- IN
Book QC981.45.T46 2004 Under the weather : how the weather and climate affect our health. Thomas, Pat. IN
Book QC981.C73 1983 General climatology. Critchfield, Howard J. IN
Book QC981.G63 1995 Atmosphere, climate, and change. Graedel, T. E. IN
Book QC981.L51 2006 Blame it on the rain: how the weather has changed history. Lee, Laura, 1969- IN
Book QC984.T4W41 1986 "If you don't like the weather--" : stories of Texas weather. Weems, John Edward. IN
Book QC993.5.L94 1997 Equatorial climates. Lye, Keith. IN
Book QC993.5.T74 2007 Tropical rainforest responses to climatic change. IN
Book QC993.5.T74 2011 Tropical rainforest responses to climatic change. IN
Book QC993.7.L94 1997 Dry climates. Lye, Keith. IN
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